Astrology News Update: Week of February 7th 2024
Welcome to our weekly astrology news update, where we delve into the cosmic energies shaping our lives in the week ahead. Here's what the stars have in store for us:
Pluto Takes Center Stage: Pluto, the planet of transformation, continues its powerful influence at 0° Aquarius. This alignment with Mercury signals significant world events, as seen in recent news surrounding notable figures like King Charles undergoing cancer treatment. If you have planets positioned at critical degrees in Fixed signs (Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio), pay attention, as you may also feel the hints of forthcoming changes in your life.
New Moon Alert: On February 9th/10th, we'll experience a potent New Moon at 20° Aquarius, forming a square to Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. Get ready for pleasant surprises and unforeseen shifts in the days ahead as this dynamic aspect brings fresh energy into our lives.
Adapting to Change: Throughout February, it's essential to be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances. With several planets transiting through Aquarius, especially aligning with Pluto, a rebirth is on the horizon. Look to the area of your chart where Aquarius resides for insights into where these transformative energies may manifest in your life.
For personalized insights tailored to your unique birth chart and how these celestial movements may impact you over the next 12 months, consider purchasing a customized astrology forecast report. BUY NOW
Stay tuned for more updates as we navigate the cosmic currents together!