Buckle up, because it's Gemini season, and we're trading in the sturdy vibes of Taurus for something a bit more dynamic. With the Sun now dancing in Gemini, it's all about chatter, ideas, and social vibes. This week, expect your mind to be buzzing with bright ideas and your social calendar to fill up fast. It's time to shoot the breeze, brainstorm, and let your curiosity lead the way. So, grab your coffee, settle in, and let's see what the stars have in store for us as we ride the wave of Gemini energy!
Jupiter is teaming up with Venus, the cosmic cupid, in a dazzling celestial rendezvous. Picture this: Venus, the planet of love and beauty, hand in hand with Jupiter, the bringer of luck and abundance. It's like a glitter bomb went off in the sky, showering us with rays of beauty and good fortune. When these two unite, it's like hitting the cosmic jackpot - think rainbows, unicorns, and all things wonderful. Whether it's raining cash or love, this alignment is a surefire recipe for joy and prosperity. So, get ready to bask in the glow of these celestial lovebirds, and don't be surprised if your heart feels a little lighter and your smile a little brighter. It's time to spread the love, gather your nearest and dearest, and soak up the lovely vibes that this magical alignment brings.
Right on the day Venus cozies up to Jupiter, we're in for a treat with a spectacular Full Moon at 2° Sagittarius, nearly facing off against the Venus-Jupiter duo hanging out at the tail end of Taurus, while the Sun beams brightly at 2° Gemini. This Full Moon is like a spotlight, shining its radiant lunar beams on a fortunate segment of your chart. It's a moment where all the seeds you planted back in mid-December 2023 during the New Moon in Sagittarius (remember that?) could finally bloom into beautiful flowers. Think of it as the universe saying, "Hey, remember those dreams and goals you set six months ago? Well, here's the harvest!" Get ready to reap the rewards of your hard work in this area of your life.
Not only do we have Venus cozying up to Jupiter and the Full Moon throwing its cosmic party, but all these cosmic happenings are also forming a delightful Trine with Pluto, the cosmic transformer. It's like the universe is whispering, "Change is in the air, folks!" You might feel like you're turning a corner in a specific area of your life, ready to embrace positive transformations and new beginnings. I've got to say, I'm absolutely loving the vibes of this week's forecast. So, let's dive into your horoscopes and see how this cosmic energy is going to play out for you!

Aries | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in the 2nd house of Taurus, it heralds a period of abundance, expansion, and pleasure in matters related to finance, possessions, and personal values. This conjunction infuses your material world with a sense of joy, optimism, and good fortune. You may experience opportunities for financial growth, increased wealth, or enhanced enjoyment of the finer things in life. It's a time to indulge in the pleasures of the senses and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty and abundance that surrounds you.
Simultaneously, as the Full Moon illuminates the 9th house in Sagittarius, it brings a culmination of energy in areas related to beliefs, higher learning, travel, and spirituality. This lunar event encourages you to expand your horizons, seek knowledge, and explore new perspectives. You may feel a strong urge to embark on a journey of personal growth, pursue higher education, or engage in philosophical discussions. The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 11th house further amplifies this transformative energy, suggesting that profound changes may occur within your social circle, group affiliations, or long-term goals. It's a time for empowerment, evolution, and aligning your actions with your deepest desires and aspirations. Embrace the opportunity for growth and transformation that these celestial alignments offer, and trust in the wisdom of the universe to guide you towards greater abundance, fulfillment, and authenticity.

Taurus | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Taurus rising, you already possess a strong sense of stability, practicality, and groundedness in your approach to life. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 1st house of Taurus, this transit brings a heightened sense of self-worth, confidence, and charm. You exude a magnetic presence, drawing abundance and opportunities towards you effortlessly. It's a time to embrace your natural talents, enhance your personal image, and pursue your desires with enthusiasm and optimism.
Meanwhile, as the Full Moon illuminates your 8th house in Sagittarius, it shines a spotlight on themes related to transformation, intimacy, shared resources, and psychological depth. This lunar event encourages you to delve into the deeper layers of your psyche, confront any fears or insecurities, and release anything that no longer serves your highest good. The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 10th house further intensifies this transformative energy, suggesting that significant shifts may occur in your career, public image, or long-term goals. You may experience a sense of empowerment and authority in your professional endeavours, as well as opportunities for leadership and success.
Overall, this cosmic alignment empowers you to embrace your inner strength, tap into your resources, and assert yourself confidently in both personal and professional spheres. Trust in your ability to navigate change and transformation with grace and resilience, knowing that you have the support of the universe guiding you towards greater abundance, authenticity, and success.

Gemini | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Gemini rising, you bring a curious, adaptable, and communicative energy to your interactions and experiences. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 12th house of Taurus, this transit invites you to explore the realms of spirituality, introspection, and subconscious desires. You may feel a deep sense of inner peace, harmony, and connection to the divine during this time. It's an opportunity to engage in practices such as meditation, dream analysis, or creative visualization to tap into your intuition and inner wisdom.
Simultaneously, as the Full Moon illuminates your 7th house in Sagittarius, it brings a culmination of energy in areas related to partnerships, relationships, and collaborations. This lunar event highlights the importance of balance, harmony, and mutual understanding in your interactions with others. You may experience significant developments or resolutions in your closest relationships, as well as opportunities for growth and expansion through collaboration and cooperation.
The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 9th house further enhances this transformative energy, suggesting that profound shifts may occur in your beliefs, perspectives, or long-term goals. You may feel a deep desire to explore new horizons, expand your intellectual and spiritual horizons, or embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. It's a time to embrace change, embrace your inner truth, and trust in the wisdom of the universe to guide you towards greater understanding, fulfilment, and authenticity in your relationships and life path.

Cancer | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Cancer rising, you bring a nurturing, intuitive, and emotionally sensitive energy to your interactions and experiences. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 11th house of Taurus, this transit brings a sense of expansion, abundance, and fulfilment to your social sphere and aspirations. You may find yourself surrounded by supportive friends, colleagues, and like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire you. It's a time to connect with your community, pursue your dreams and goals, and manifest your deepest desires with confidence and optimism.
Meanwhile, as the Full Moon illuminates your 6th house in Sagittarius, it shines a spotlight on themes related to work, health, and daily routines. This lunar event encourages you to focus on self-care, organization, and practical matters that contribute to your overall well-being. You may experience a sense of completion or culmination in your work projects or health-related endeavours, as well as opportunities for improvement and growth in these areas.
The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 8th house further enhances this transformative energy, suggesting that profound shifts may occur in your emotional depth, intimacy, and shared resources. You may feel a deep desire to delve into the deeper layers of your psyche, confront any fears or insecurities, and release anything that no longer serves your highest good. It's a time to embrace change, trust in your inner strength, and allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic in your relationships and life journey.

Leo | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Leo rising, you exude confidence, creativity, and a flair for drama in your approach to life. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 10th house of Taurus, this transit brings a surge of opportunities, recognition, and success in your career and public life. You may find yourself receiving accolades, promotions, or opportunities for advancement that highlight your talents and achievements. It's a time to shine in your professional endeavours, take on leadership roles, and assert your authority with grace and charisma.
Simultaneously, as the Full Moon illuminates your 5th house in Sagittarius, it brings a culmination of energy in areas related to self-expression, creativity, romance, and children. This lunar event encourages you to embrace your inner child, pursue your passions, and express yourself authentically and creatively. You may experience moments of joy, excitement, and inspiration in your artistic pursuits or romantic relationships, as well as opportunities for growth and expansion in these areas.
The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 7th house further enhances this transformative energy, suggesting that profound shifts may occur in your partnerships, relationships, and collaborations. You may feel a deep desire to strengthen your connections with others, deepen your emotional bonds, and cultivate relationships based on trust, mutual respect, and shared values. It's a time to embrace change, embrace your personal power, and allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic in your interactions and partnerships.

Virgo | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Virgo rising, you bring a practical, analytical, and detail-oriented approach to your interactions and experiences. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 9th house of Taurus, this transit brings a sense of expansion, optimism, and adventure to your worldview and belief systems. You may feel drawn to explore new horizons, expand your knowledge, or embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. It's a time to embrace your curiosity, broaden your perspectives, and seek out opportunities for learning and exploration.
Meanwhile, as the Full Moon illuminates your 4th house in Sagittarius, it shines a spotlight on themes related to home, family, and emotional security. This lunar event encourages you to nurture your innermost needs, create a sense of stability and comfort in your home environment, and deepen your connections with your loved ones. You may experience a sense of completion or culmination in matters related to your home life or family dynamics, as well as opportunities for growth and healing in these areas.
The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 6th house further enhances this transformative energy, suggesting that profound shifts may occur in your daily routines, work habits, and health practices. You may feel a deep desire to make positive changes in your lifestyle, cultivate greater self-discipline, and prioritize your well-being. It's a time to embrace change, embrace your personal power, and take proactive steps towards greater health, productivity, and fulfilment in your daily life.

Libra | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Libra rising, you bring a sense of harmony, diplomacy, and balance to your interactions and experiences. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 8th house of Taurus, this transit brings a focus on transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. You may find yourself delving into deeper emotional connections, exploring your innermost desires, and experiencing a heightened sense of intimacy in your relationships. It's a time to embrace vulnerability, trust, and authenticity in your connections with others, as well as opportunities for financial growth or joint ventures.
Simultaneously, as the Full Moon illuminates your 3rd house in Sagittarius, it shines a spotlight on themes related to communication, learning, and community. This lunar event encourages you to express yourself openly and honestly, engage in meaningful conversations, and expand your intellectual horizons. You may experience breakthroughs in your thinking, insights into your beliefs, or opportunities for connection and collaboration with others.
The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 5th house further enhances this transformative energy, suggesting that profound shifts may occur in your creative expression, self-expression, and romantic pursuits. You may feel a deep desire to tap into your creative potential, express yourself authentically, and pursue your passions with greater intensity. It's a time to embrace change, embrace your personal power, and allow yourself to fully explore and express your unique identity and desires.

Scorpio | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Scorpio rising, you bring intensity, depth, and emotional insight to your interactions and experiences. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 7th house of Taurus, this transit brings a focus on partnerships, relationships, and collaboration. You may find yourself experiencing growth and expansion in your closest relationships, as well as opportunities for greater harmony, understanding, and mutual support. It's a time to deepen your connections with others, cultivate trust and intimacy, and explore the transformative potential within your relationships.
Simultaneously, as the Full Moon illuminates your 2nd house in Sagittarius, it shines a spotlight on themes related to finances, possessions, and values. This lunar event encourages you to take stock of your resources, reassess your financial goals, and cultivate a greater sense of abundance and security in your life. You may experience a culmination of efforts in your financial endeavours, as well as opportunities for growth and expansion in areas related to your material possessions and resources.
The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 4th house further enhances this transformative energy, suggesting that profound shifts may occur in your home life, family dynamics, and emotional foundation. You may feel a deep desire to create a sense of security and stability in your domestic environment, as well as opportunities for healing and renewal within your family relationships. It's a time to embrace change, embrace your personal power, and allow yourself to dive deep into the depths of your emotions and desires as you navigate this period of transformation and growth.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Sagittarius rising, you bring enthusiasm, optimism, and a thirst for adventure to your interactions and experiences. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 6th house of Taurus, this transit brings a focus on health, work, and daily routines. You may find yourself experiencing growth and expansion in your professional endeavours, as well as opportunities for greater abundance, fulfillment, and well-being in your daily life. It's a time to prioritize your health, establish positive habits, and pursue your vocational goals with enthusiasm and optimism.
Simultaneously, as the Full Moon illuminates your 1st house in Sagittarius, it shines a spotlight on themes related to self-awareness, personal identity, and self-expression. This lunar event encourages you to embrace your individuality, assert your independence, and pursue your passions with confidence and authenticity. You may experience a sense of culmination or completion in your personal goals or projects, as well as opportunities for growth and expansion in areas related to self-development and self-expression.
The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 3rd house further enhances this transformative energy, suggesting that profound shifts may occur in your communication style, thought patterns, and learning experiences. You may feel a deep desire to explore new ideas, engage in meaningful conversations, and expand your intellectual horizons. It's a time to embrace change, embrace your personal power, and allow yourself to fully express your truth and pursue your intellectual interests as you navigate this period of growth and expansion.

Capricorn | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Capricorn rising, you bring a sense of ambition, discipline, and practicality to your interactions and experiences. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 5th house of Taurus, this transit brings a focus on creativity, self-expression, and romance. You may find yourself experiencing growth and expansion in your artistic endeavours, as well as opportunities for greater joy, pleasure, and connection in your romantic relationships. It's a time to embrace your creative talents, express yourself authentically, and pursue your passions with confidence and enthusiasm.
Simultaneously, as the Full Moon illuminates your 12th house in Sagittarius, it shines a spotlight on themes related to spirituality, introspection, and inner healing. This lunar event encourages you to explore the depths of your psyche, confront any fears or insecurities, and release anything that no longer serves your highest good. You may experience a sense of closure or completion in matters related to your subconscious mind or spiritual journey, as well as opportunities for growth and transformation in these areas.
The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 2nd house further enhances this transformative energy, suggesting that profound shifts may occur in your values, finances, and sense of self-worth. You may feel a deep desire to reassess your priorities, cultivate greater financial security, and align your actions with your deepest desires and aspirations. It's a time to embrace change, embrace your personal power, and trust in the wisdom of the universe to guide you towards greater abundance, fulfillment, and authenticity as you navigate this period of growth and transformation.

Aquarius | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Aquarius rising, you bring a sense of innovation, independence, and humanitarianism to your interactions and experiences. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 4th house of Taurus, this transit brings a focus on home, family, and emotional security. You may find yourself experiencing growth and expansion in your domestic life, as well as opportunities for greater harmony, comfort, and stability in your living environment. It's a time to prioritize your emotional well-being, nurture your closest relationships, and create a sense of sanctuary and belonging in your home.
Simultaneously, as the Full Moon illuminates your 11th house in Sagittarius, it shines a spotlight on themes related to friendships, social networks, and aspirations. This lunar event encourages you to connect with like-minded individuals, pursue your hopes and dreams, and contribute to collective causes or endeavors. You may experience a sense of culmination or completion in your social circles or group affiliations, as well as opportunities for growth and expansion in your community involvement.
The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 1st house further enhances this transformative energy, suggesting that profound shifts may occur in your personal identity, self-image, and sense of empowerment. You may feel a deep desire to assert your individuality, embrace your unique qualities, and make positive changes in your life that align with your deepest values and aspirations. It's a time to embrace change, embrace your personal power, and trust in your ability to shape your own destiny as you navigate this period of growth and transformation.

Pisces | Weekly Horoscope | May 20th- 26th, 2024 | Astrology House
With Pisces rising, you bring a sense of compassion, intuition, and imagination to your interactions and experiences. When Jupiter conjuncts Venus in your 3rd house of Taurus, this transit brings a focus on communication, learning, and community. You may find yourself experiencing growth and expansion in your intellectual pursuits, as well as opportunities for greater harmony, connection, and understanding in your interactions with others. It's a time to express yourself with warmth and kindness, engage in meaningful conversations, and cultivate deeper bonds with your neighbours, siblings, or peers.
Simultaneously, as the Full Moon illuminates your 10th house in Sagittarius, it shines a spotlight on themes related to career, public image, and achievements. This lunar event encourages you to focus on your professional goals, take pride in your accomplishments, and pursue opportunities for recognition and success. You may experience a sense of culmination or completion in your career endeavours, as well as opportunities for growth and expansion in your professional life.
The sextile aspect to Pluto in the 12th house further enhances this transformative energy, suggesting that profound shifts may occur in your subconscious mind, spiritual beliefs, and inner healing. You may feel a deep desire to explore your spiritual path, confront any fears or insecurities, and release anything that no longer serves your highest good. It's a time to embrace change, embrace your inner wisdom, and trust in the power of transformation as you navigate this period of growth and evolution.
If you would like to know how the current Astrology Transits are will Affect you personally you can purchase Astrology Reports.