Weekly Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House - Astrology House

Weekly Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

These past weeks have been marked by significant planetary aspects in the world of astrology! The energies have undoubtedly made their presence felt by all. Alongside global tensions, such as the escalating conflicts overseas, Australia has faced its own share of adversity, with recent tragic events leaving a profound impact. Amidst the turmoil, humanity has shown both its darkest and most inspiring facets, with acts of heroism and resilience emerging amidst the chaos.

This week, the astrological influences remain potent, as Uranus and Jupiter continue to closely align at 21° Taurus. Additionally, we're experiencing the Full Moon in Scorpio at 4° on the 23rd of April, marking a time of intensity and transformation. Furthermore, the Sun transitions into the fixed sign of Taurus, while Venus forms a conjunction with Chiron, highlighting themes of healing and vulnerability. However, tensions may arise as the Sun squares Pluto, urging us to confront power dynamics, and at the end of the week Mars aligns with Neptune, prompting us to navigate our actions with sensitivity and intuition.

What does this mean on the world stage? Well, certainly, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus can indicate shocking and even radical events that can affect the earth, financial systems, and real estate. As the cosmos asks us to look at what we truly value, we can also anticipate an expansion in alternative ways of living and alternative communities, becoming a little more community-minded and inclined to help out our neighbours once more. For a long time, we've been hearing about a world currency; now, we may experience fast changes in the crypto markets and hear of revolutionary changes in banking.

Keep in mind that this Jupiter-Uranus cycle lasts for 14 years, so we may hear murmurs of these transformational innovations, but it may take 14 years for them to become mainstream. The thing with Uranus is that we cannot predict its outcome; it's the planet of surprise and shocks, while Jupiter is the planet of expansion. We will see the full effect of these alignments when Jupiter opposes the alignment in approximately 7 years' time.

The last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction occurred in 2010 in the sign of Pisces and Aries. It conjoined my MC, and I can safely say that although nothing happened on the day, it triggered a massive expansion in my career at that time and a huge loss at the square, with the outcome clear for me in 2017. So, although you may experience a theme, for example, it may only be in retrospect that you understand how it has truly helped your evolution.

Well, that's a lot of information, so let's look at how the planetary aspects will affect each sign. It's most accurate to read from your ascendant sign but also relevant for your Sun and Moon!

Aries Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Aries, this week, the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter is in your house of income. You will most likely be focused on your finances and financial projects at this time. Keep in mind that this is a 14-year cycle, and the full effects of the outcome won’t really be known for 7 years when it reaches its opposition. The Full Moon in Scorpio in your 8th house of other people's resources also ties into the theme of financial discussions. Perhaps there will be talks about loans, taxes, and inheritance. This can be a particularly intense time, but you have Venus conjunct Chiron in your 1st house, giving her support to you in your endeavours. With Venus conjunct Chiron, there is an opportunity to offer an olive branch, especially if there has been some distance between you and a partner over a financial matter that can be cleared up at this time.

Taurus Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Can you feel the earth around you rumbling, Taurus? How exciting! The Jupiter-Uranus conjunct is still in your 1st house of self—your identity, your looks—your whole life can see the beginning of a 14-year shift! This can be a physical change, a change in partnerships to become permanent, or losing one and finding another. If you have any personal planet hitting this point of 21°, it's speaking to you! With the Scorpio Full Moon in your 7th house of partnerships, you may be seeing a culmination in your relationship, further echoing the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and heralding the change. It can be marriage, divorce, or finding a fresh new look at the relationship you are in! The Sun is now also in your house, further asking you to look out for yourself, focus on your needs, and make it happen, Taurus. You have so many blessings as Venus, your ruling planet, is conjunct Chiron in the 12th House of Spirituality and Healing. This is a wonderful time to take care of your soul, Taurus, before your ruling planet makes her way into your sign and makes you the shining star of May!

Gemini Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Gemini, this very auspicious conjunction is happening in your 12th house of spirituality, dreams, and solitude. You could be feeling a little more philosophical. You may have some strange dreams while this conjunction is in play. Keep your dream journal close by, as the cosmos is giving clues on what to expect! This is a long cycle that is now opening up to you. This can also include working closely with institutions such as hospitals, schools, and prisons. It can be a time that you take up meditation and work on your inner mind, perhaps even working with a psychologist over a period of time, which can be greatly beneficial for the next 14 years, finally putting the past behind you. The Full Moon is In your 6th house of everyday routines, jobs, pets, and health regimes, the Full Moon signals a potential conclusion to a daily activity, Gemini. Perhaps you're relinquishing a role you dislike in pursuit of something more fulfilling. Venus, the planet of love, is meeting up with Chiron, the wounded healer, this week, giving you a golden opportunity to seek companionship with your friends and in the community. You may find something very lovely!

Cancer Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

The wild card conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter is happening in your 11th house, Cancer. Very lucky and filled with possibilities, this is the house of friendships, community groups, and your future goals. This conjunction will sextile Mars in the 9th house and may bring you a long-distance relationship, an opportunity to publish your work, or take on that master's degree or doctorate! The full Moon in Scorpio in your 5th house of fun, children, and lovers suggests that an issue with a child may come to a head, or you may find yourself running out of enthusiasm with a lover and considering calling it quits. The Scorpio full moon is asking us to look more than skin deep. Venus will conjoin Chiron in your 10th house of career and public reputation at this time, Cancer. You may find some healing and joy in your work life or an answer to the direction that you need to go in the future. This can also be a time when you are welcomed into a peer group that can help heal old wounds.

Leo Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Prepare for take-off, dear Leo, with the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter in your 10th house of Career and Public Reputation. This marks the beginning of a monumental cycle in how you present yourself to the world! It can expand and revolutionize your career in unexpected ways, so be open to new opportunities and leverage existing ones. Mars is sextile the conjunction in your 8th house of other people's resources, loans, taxes, inheritances, and the occult. This suggests you could have good luck in obtaining loans for your business or career objectives, or even branch into a career in any of these topics. The Scorpio full moon is in your 4th house of home, family, origin, and roots. This can also signal a time to move for your career, a chance to redecorate, or Marie Kondo the home (do your possessions bring you joy? If not, out they go!). Venus conjunct Chiron in your 9th house of overseas travel, foreigners, and legal matters may see you booking that holiday. If you've been in a legal bind, this could be a favourable week.

Virgo Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Virgo, this week the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction continues to influence your 9th house, which governs Philosophy, Legal Matters, Overseas Travel, and interactions with foreigners. Are you considering connections with people from abroad, Virgo? It might be wise to ensure your passport is in order! Additionally, this alignment suggests a period for contemplating higher education and perhaps finally signing up to get that degree! With Mars sextile your 7th house, relationships could serve as a wellspring of inspiration as you venture into new territories. The full Moon in Scorpio this week may mark a culmination related to a sibling or something significant for a sibling that could impact you, Virgo. Furthermore, Venus will be conjunct the healing energy of Chiron, offering you an opportunity to experience positive healing in areas such as other people's finances, taxes, inheritances, and loans. This conjunction may also signify a deep attraction to someone, Virgo. Hot!

Libra Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Libra, you have the amazing conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in the 8th house of transformation, deep connections, taboo, the occult, other people's resources, taxes, and inheritances. What unfolds over the next 14 years from this cycle is linked to another person. Keep in mind that Taurus represents what you value, and the conjunction here is asking you: what do you value? This can work in many ways and will depend on your specific chart, but this is reminiscent of the Devil Card in Tarot. What do you value? And will you sell your soul for it? Mars is sextile this conjunction this week, and you may find that your daily chores have increased. There can be some overwhelm, Libra, affecting your health this week. Venus conjunct Chiron this week in your 7th house of relationships suggests that if there has been stress in your relationship, your partner may offer an olive branch. The Full Moon in Scorpio this week is also happening in your 2nd house of income, signalling the end or change in your income, dear Libra. This can mark the end of an income that began in November last year at the new moon. This week is focused on relationship and financial topics for you. Stay connected to what you really value, Libra!

Scorpio Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Scorpio, this week, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is still in your 7th house of partnerships, and you must have been feeling some changes underfoot! This means that a significant shift is happening for your partner, and you are affected somehow. This can also mean an expansion in clients/customers from unexpected areas. This could be that you get married and solidify that relationship or even get a divorce; it’s a relationship shift. Mars is also sextile the conjunction in your 5th house of children, so this can be welcoming a child to the family or experiencing changes with the children at this time. The Full Moon is happening in your 1st house, so these changes can be about to alter your presentation to the world. How incredible and absolutely positive for you, Scorpio! Lastly, this week Venus will conjunct Chiron in your house of wellness, routine, health, pets, and everyday chores. This can be a time when you really focus on your health, Scorpio. You may even get a new pet this week that will help with your healing journey! Aww 🐾

Sagittarius Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Sagittarius, the week initiates a new cycle with the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in your 6th house of health, routines, pets, and daily chores. You may experience upheaval and expansion in your daily routines, indicating a shift from being a creature of habit to embracing exciting, unexpected changes over the next 14 years. As a lover of adventure and excitement, Sagittarius, you'll find daily variety and thrills during this period! Additionally, with Mars sextile the conjunction, attention may be needed at home. Ensure your insurances are up-to-date and your home is safe and secure. The full moon in Scorpio this week occurs in your 12th house of solitude, meditation, and escape. This could signify the conclusion of a reflective period for you, Sagittarius, as you prepare to re-engage with the world. Have you recently encountered a past relationship? It might be due to Mercury retrograde in the 5th house. As Venus conjuncts Chiron, offering healing for you, Sagittarius, exercise caution before making any firm decisions. Wait until Mercury resumes its forward motion before finalizing anything.

Capricorn Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Capricorn, the Uranus and Jupiter conjunction couldn’t be in a more fun area of your chart! The 5th house of Fun, Lovers, Children, and Luck offers quite an exciting time. You can expect spontaneity in abundance and the unexpected! It's a perfect time to get a lotto ticket! Be whisked away into a spontaneous love affair or even be surprised with a pregnancy! The next 14-year cycle is definitely going to be full of fun and unexpected turns! Mars is sextile the conjunction this week, so you may be feeling some pressure in writing or teaching exercises, dealing with siblings' squabbles, or facing car and transport issues. The full Moon in Scorpio is in your 11th house of friendships and community groups. This can mark the culmination of a friendship that appeared last November but no longer serves you. It can also signify the end of a group project. The Venus and Chiron conjunction happening in your 4th house of home and ancestry offers some comfort and care in the home. It's a great week to Netflix and watch television under the blankets, dear Capricorn! While there's plenty of excitement ahead, right now you may need to just chill for a bit.

Aquarius Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is occurring in your 4th house of home, family, and ancestry. You may find that this period sparks a change in your home over the next 14 years. The following change could transform you, especially as you also have Pluto in a long stretch in your ruling sign! Transformation, change, and evolution: blessed is the Aquarius that loves the evolution of life! Mars is sextile the conjunction this week, so you may feel some tension in your income. Unexpected bills may demand your attention! The Full Moon in Scorpio this week is happening in your 10th house of career. Perhaps these changes spark a new career, new income, and a new home! Wow! Venus conjunct Chiron this week in your 3rd house of siblings, cousins, writing, teaching, and short-distance travel. This may be a great week when a sibling or relation offers an olive branch if you haven't seen eye to eye lately. Or you may find comfort in writing or taking a short-distance trip! What an amazing beginning for this 14-year cycle, dear Aquarius!

Pisces Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Pisces, you have the amazing conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in your 3rd house of siblings, cousins, writing, teaching, and short-distance travel. This could spark off some incredible changes in your siblings' lives that affect you. This can be a time when you take up writing, creating that blog, or pursuing a study passion in your own time. With Mars sextile the conjunction this week, you may find that you really have the drive to delve into a new topic that interests you! This can also be a time when you actively seek your sibling to connect and enjoy their company. With the full moon in Scorpio this week happening in your 9th house of legal matters, overseas travel, and foreigners, this may be a time when you resolve legal issues or complete a project with an overseas person or topic. Venus conjunct Chiron, the centaur of healing, this week in your 2nd house of income, giving you blessings in this area of your chart, dear Pisces. This can be an unexpected bonus in the pay packet in addition to the money you have earned; perhaps money from the past has come back to you!

If you would like to know how the current Astrology Transits are will Affect you personally you can purchase Astrology Reports Natal Chart | 12 Month Forecast 

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