Leo Monthly Horoscope

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Leo Monthly Horoscope

Leo Monthly Horoscope | June | Astrology House

June begins with a sparkling energy in your social sector, Leo. On June 1, the Sun conjunct Venus at 12° Gemini lights up your 11th House, making this an excellent time for connecting with friends and networks. Your charisma shines brightly, attracting supportive and pleasant interactions. By June 3, Mercury joins this vibrant gathering in Gemini, enhancing your ability to communicate and share ideas within your community. As Mercury aligns with Jupiter on June 4, also in your 11th House, and makes a trine to Pluto in your 7th House, opportunities for powerful alliances and transformative relationships emerge.

The New Moon on June 6 continues to energize your 11th House, tightly conjunct Venus, signalling a fresh start in your social life and aspirations. This is an ideal time to set new intentions for group projects or community endeavours. However, challenges arise around June 11 when Mars in your 10th House squares Pluto in your 7th House, creating tension between your professional ambitions and key partnerships. Additionally, the Sun in your 11th House squaring Saturn in your 8th House may bring financial or emotional obligations to the forefront, requiring careful navigation and patience.

Mid-month, Mercury’s conjunction with Venus at 29° Gemini on June 17, aligned with the fixed star Menkalinan, offers a final burst of harmonious social interactions and clarity in group dynamics. As the Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22 illuminates your 6th House, you'll be called to balance daily responsibilities and health matters. This Full Moon forms an out-of-sign T-square with Neptune in your 8th House, emphasizing the need to address deeper emotional or financial issues that may have been brewing beneath the surface. This month, your ability to harmonize social connections with personal transformation will be key to navigating the evolving energies.

Leo Monthly Horoscope | May | Astrology House

Dear Leo, get ready for a month filled with cosmic shifts and potent energies that will significantly impact your professional life, relationships, and personal growth. Here's what the stars have in store for you:

May 1st: Venus Taurus 2° Square Pluto Aquarius 2°

As Venus enters your 10th house, your focus shifts towards career and reputation. However, a square aspect with Pluto in your 7th house suggests power struggles or intense dynamics in your partnerships. Balance ambition with cooperation to navigate this period smoothly.

May 2nd: Pluto Turns Retrograde 2° Aquarius

Pluto's retrograde motion in your 7th house prompts deep introspection regarding your relationships. Past issues may resurface, urging you to confront and transform any underlying power dynamics or control issues. Use this time to release old patterns and foster healthier connections.

May 6th: Chiron Conjunct Mercury 20° Aries

Chiron's conjunction with Mercury in your 9th house invites profound healing through communication and learning. Embrace new perspectives and engage in meaningful conversations that expand your understanding of yourself and the world around you.

May 8th: New Moon in 18° Taurus

A powerful New Moon in your 10th house heralds fresh beginnings in your career or public image. With Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter also in the mix, expect exciting opportunities for professional growth and recognition. Set intentions aligned with your long-term goals and pursue them with confidence.

May 14th - Sun Conjunct Uranus in the 10th House of Taurus:

The Sun's conjunction with Uranus energizes your career sector, bringing unexpected developments and breakthroughs. Embrace innovation and be open to change as you chart a bold new path towards success.

May 17th - Sun Conjunct Jupiter, North Node Conjunct Mars:

The Sun's alignment with Jupiter amplifies abundance and expansion in your career endeavors. Simultaneously, the North Node's conjunction with Mars in your 9th house urges you to pursue your passions with courage and conviction. Trust your instincts and take inspired action towards your aspirations.

May 22nd-24th - Venus Conjunct Jupiter in the 10th House of Taurus:

Venus's harmonious conjunction with Jupiter further enhances your professional prospects, bringing blessings and opportunities for growth. Stay receptive to favorable circumstances and be proactive in pursuing your goals.

May 23rd - Full Moon in the 5th House of Sagittarius:

The Full Moon illuminates your creative expression and romantic pursuits. Embrace your inner child and indulge in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. A trine with the Sun and Pluto suggests transformative insights that deepen your connections with loved ones.

May 30th - Chiron Conjunct Mars in the 9th House of Aries:

Chiron's conjunction with Mars activates your adventurous spirit and encourages you to embrace new experiences with courage and resilience. Use this energy to pursue personal growth and expand your horizons.

Overall, May promises to be a dynamic month filled with opportunities for professional advancement, personal healing, and deepening relationships. Embrace the cosmic energies at play, trust in your abilities, and seize the opportunities that come your way, dear Leo.

Leo Monthly Horoscope | April | Astrology House

Leo, as April kicks off, the Sun moves through your 9th house, illuminating themes of overseas travel, higher education, and encounters with foreigners. It's a period where you might be focusing on pursuing a degree, making travel plans, or delving into philosophical pursuits that resonate with you. However, with Mercury retrograde in this sector throughout the month, expect some hiccups in communication and plans. Stay adaptable as situations may change unexpectedly.

April 3 brings a harmonious alignment between Venus and Neptune in your 8th house, highlighting matters related to shared resources, taxes, and intimate connections. It's a day infused with sensuality, perhaps inviting you to explore deeper connections with your partner. However, be cautious regarding financial discussions as Neptune's influence may obscure important details.

The New Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on April 8, coupled with Chiron in your 9th house, signifies fresh beginnings in areas like travel, education, and publishing endeavours. Consider revisiting old educational pursuits or completing unfinished projects. Just exercise patience and wait for Mercury to go direct next month before finalizing major decisions.

April 9 sees Mars conjoining Saturn in your 8th house, potentially stirring up tensions regarding intimacy, finances, or inheritances. Expect a push to resolve pending matters in these areas, although it may come with challenges. With careful planning and perseverance, you can overcome obstacles and achieve breakthroughs.

Between April 16-26, the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction in your 10th house heralds a period of career growth and liberation. You may contemplate starting your own venture or experiencing a significant shift in your professional path. While this alignment may bring excitement, it could also coincide with substantial changes, especially if it squares your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant.

The Scorpio Full Moon on April 23 illuminates your 4th house, emphasizing matters related to home, family, and emotional security. It's a favourable time for home-related projects, reconnection with family members, or concluding renovations. Consider this period as an opportunity to nurture your domestic sphere and strengthen familial bonds.

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Leo Monthly Horoscope | March | 2024 | Astrology House 

Hello, majestic Leo! March arrives with celestial fireworks as eclipse season unfolds, promising transformative energies and dynamic shifts in the cosmic landscape. Let's explore the astrological forecast for your zodiac sign and unveil the exciting developments that await you.

March commences with a cosmic clash as Venus squares off against Uranus on the 3rd. Positioned in your 7th house of partnerships and relationships, unexpected revelations may emerge, dear Leo. Be prepared for potential changes in your personal or professional alliances, as matters affecting your image and presentation to the world come to light. Brace yourself for intense discussions and emotional reckonings, for these moments serve as precursors to forthcoming celestial events.

On March 8th, Mercury joins forces with dreamy Neptune in your 8th house of shared resources and other people's money. Beware of communication pitfalls and mixed signals, Leo, as you navigate financial matters or intricate dealings. Delve deeper into matters concerning inheritances, taxes, or joint finances, and ensure clarity amidst the confusion.

Fiery Mars squares off against Uranus on March 9th, igniting tensions between partnerships and career aspirations. Prepare for potential conflicts or heated exchanges with others, dear Leo, as you navigate unexpected challenges in your professional realm. Maintain composure and ensure thorough investigation before taking action.

The New Moon on March 10th heralds fresh beginnings in your 8th house of shared resources, offering opportunities for financial renewal and transformative growth. Embrace the winds of change, dear Leo, as you embark on a journey towards greater financial stability and empowerment.

A celestial alignment on March 16th sees the Sun and Neptune conjoining in your 8th house, infusing your endeavors with optimism and inspiration. Explore the mysteries of the universe, Leo, and consider delving into occult studies or spiritual practices that deepen your understanding of the unseen realms.

As Mercury enters its pre-shadow phase on March 19th, prepare for the upcoming retrograde in April. Reflect on your educational pursuits and travel plans, and consider adjustments necessary for a smooth transition. Embrace the opportunity to rethink your approach and dot the i's and cross the t's in matters concerning higher learning and exploration.

Venus's conjunction with Saturn on March 21st anchors your dreams into tangible reality, urging dedication and hard work. Seize the moment, dear Leo, and pursue outstanding debts or financial claims with determination and persistence.

The month culminates with a Lunar Eclipse on March 25th, signaling the end of something in your 3rd house of siblings, neighbors, and communication. Embrace transformative shifts, dear Leo, as you bid farewell to stagnant projects or connections, freeing yourself to explore new horizons in education, travel, or intellectual pursuits.

Dynamic and transformative, March promises exciting changes for Leo. Embrace the journey with courage and resilience, for the cosmos align in your favor. Until next time, may the stars guide you on your path to greatness.

If you would like to know how the current Astrology Transits are will Affect you personally you can purchase Astrology Reports Natal Chart | 12 Month Forecast