Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Aries |Taurus |Gemini |Cancer |Leo |Virgo |Libra |Scorpio |Sagittarius |Capricorn | Aquarius| Pisces 

Pisces Monthly Horoscope


Pisces | September 2024 | Monthly Horoscope

September starts with a focus on communication and local matters as Uranus retrogrades into your 3rd House. This period may prompt you to revisit old conversations or rethink your approach to sharing ideas. Be open to new perspectives and unexpected insights that could shift your current mindset.

On September 3rd, the New Moon in Virgo graces your 7th House of relationships. This is an excellent opportunity to set intentions for improving partnerships, whether personal or professional. Virgo's energy encourages you to focus on health and wellness within your relationships, but be mindful of potential delays or confusion as Saturn and Neptune create tension, signaling that while your goals are clear, the path to achieving them may need further refinement.

As September progresses, Venus's conjunction with Lilith in your 8th House on September 4th brings intensity to your approach to intimacy and shared resources. This aspect might stir up deep-seated emotions or confrontations related to finances and intimacy. Meanwhile, Mars moves into Cancer on the same day, emphasizing a need to balance your energy between home and personal ambitions, though Mars may feel somewhat constrained in this sign.

On September 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, amplifying your focus on details and communication within partnerships. Use this time to address any miscommunications or to clarify expectations with others.

The period around September 14-15 brings a harmonious trine between Jupiter in your 4th House and Venus in your 8th House. This alignment supports positive developments in home life and shared finances. You may find opportunities for growth and abundance through collaborative efforts or supportive connections within your home environment.

The Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18th in your 1st House marks a significant turning point. This eclipse, part of Saros Series 118 and closely aligned with Neptune, prompts reflection on personal growth and self-identity. Consider how past events from the previous eclipses in Pisces may be influencing your current circumstances. This eclipse signals the culmination of a personal cycle, bringing both endings and new beginnings.

As the Sun enters Libra on September 22nd, focus shifts to shared resources and transformation. This transit encourages you to seek balance in how you handle joint ventures and financial matters. The subsequent entry of Venus into Scorpio on September 23rd highlights a period of deep exploration and potential expansion in your higher education or travel experiences.

By September 26th, Mercury's move into Libra supports balanced communication and negotiation in partnerships. Finally, on September 30th, the Sun's conjunction with Mercury in your 7th House brings clarity and insight into relationship dynamics, offering an ideal moment for addressing any outstanding issues or setting new collaborative goals.

Pisces | August | Monthly Horoscope | Astrology House

Welcome to your August 2024 horoscope, Pisces! This month brings a blend of reflections on work and health, deeper insights into relationships, and transformative energy in your home and personal identity. Let’s explore what the cosmos has in store for you.

The month begins with the New Moon in Leo on August 4th, illuminating your 6th house of work, health, and daily routines. This is a powerful time for initiating changes in your daily habits or health practices. If you’ve been contemplating a new fitness regimen or a way to streamline your work life, now is the moment to set those intentions. This energy supports you in taking proactive steps towards enhancing your well-being and improving your productivity.

As Mercury retrogrades in your 7th house of partnerships and relationships from August 5th, you might find yourself revisiting past conversations or resolving misunderstandings with close associates. This period invites you to reassess your interactions and agreements. It's a chance to reflect on how you relate to others and to address any lingering issues that need closure or clarification.

On August 8th, Mercury’s conjunction with Venus in your 7th house brings a harmonious touch to your relationships. This alignment enhances your ability to communicate with charm and diplomacy, making it easier to resolve conflicts and strengthen your connections. It’s a favourable time for discussing matters of the heart and finding balance in your partnerships.

As Mars and Jupiter align in your 4th house of home and family on August 14th, expect a surge of energy and enthusiasm in these areas. This dynamic combination encourages you to take bold actions related to your living situation or family matters. It’s a great time for tackling home improvement projects, making significant changes, or pursuing personal growth within your domestic sphere. Just be mindful of potential conflicts or overreach in these areas.

Mid-month, Mercury retrogrades back into your 6th house on August 15th, signalling a period of re-evaluating your daily routines and health practices once again. This return to the 6th house allows you to refine and improve upon the changes you’ve been considering. It’s an opportunity to correct any mistakes and make adjustments to enhance your overall well-being.

A significant cosmic event occurs on August 19th when Jupiter in your 4th house squares Saturn in your 1st house. This alignment may present challenges as you navigate the tension between your personal ambitions and your home life. You might feel a conflict between your desire for growth and your need for stability. Balancing these forces will be crucial, as you work to integrate your personal and professional goals.

On the same day, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in your 6th house, bringing clarity and insight into your daily routines and health matters. This alignment supports you in communicating more effectively about your needs and making practical improvements in your work and wellness routines.

Additionally, the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th shines light on your 12th house of introspection, spirituality, and subconscious matters. This Full Moon brings to the surface hidden emotions and insights, inviting you to explore your inner world and find closure on unresolved issues. It’s a time for deep reflection and spiritual growth, helping you gain clarity on your personal journey.

As August concludes, Mercury turns direct in your 6th house on August 28th, signalling a return to clarity and forward momentum in your daily life. Any confusion or delays from earlier in the month begin to resolve, allowing you to move forward with renewed focus and energy.

Overall, August 2024 is a month of balancing work and health with personal and familial matters, reflecting on relationships, and exploring deeper aspects of yourself. Embrace the opportunities for growth and healing, and use the cosmic energies to refine your routines and strengthen your connections.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope | July | Astrology House

Dear Pisces, July marks a period of introspection and transformation as Saturn begins its retrograde journey from June 29th in your 1st House, retracing from 19° Pisces to 12° Pisces until November 15th. This celestial movement urges you to re-evaluate your personal goals and commitments, encouraging a deeper understanding of your identity and how you present yourself to the world. Concurrently, Neptune, your ruling planet, turns retrograde from July 2nd in your 1st House, further intensifying this introspective phase until December 7th. Use this time to explore spiritual practices or creative pursuits that reconnect you with your inner self.

On July 5th, the New Moon at 14°23’ Cancer illuminates your 5th House of creativity, romance, and self-expression. This lunar event invites you to embrace new beginnings in artistic endeavours or romantic connections. With Venus in Cancer until mid-month, highlighting your 4th House of home and family, nurturing and harmonious energies prevail in your domestic life. Venus enters Leo and your 6th House on July 17th, shifting focus to work relationships and health matters, encouraging you to seek pleasure and beauty in your daily routines.

Mid-month brings a potent alignment on July 12th as Venus in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius, spanning your 6th and 12th Houses. This aspect may challenge you to confront power dynamics in relationships or hidden desires that affect your well-being. From July 14-16, Mars conjoins Uranus at 26° Taurus in your 3rd House, sparking unexpected communications or sudden shifts in your immediate environment. Remain adaptable and open-minded during this dynamic period.

The Full Moon on July 21st at 29°08’ Capricorn illuminates your 11th House of friendships and community, forming an out-of-sign conjunction with Pluto retrograde at 0° Aquarius in your 12th House. This cosmic event may bring deep transformations in your social circles or prompt you to reassess your involvement in group dynamics. On July 22nd, the Sun at 0° Leo in your 7th House opposes Pluto in Aquarius, highlighting tensions between personal desires and shared responsibilities in partnerships. Navigate these energies with patience and a willingness to compromise.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope | June | Astrology House

Dear Pisces, June presents a complex tapestry of energies, urging you to find balance between your inner world and outer responsibilities. With the Sun and Venus conjoined in your 4th House on June 1, you're drawn inward, seeking emotional security and harmony in your home and family life. As Mercury joins this celestial gathering on June 3, alongside expansive Jupiter, your focus shifts to communication within your domestic sphere, fostering deeper connections with loved ones and introspective exploration of your roots.

On June 4, Mercury's conjunction with Jupiter in your 4th House forms a harmonious trine to transformative Pluto in your 12th House, unlocking profound insights from your subconscious mind. The Gemini New Moon on June 6, closely aligned with Venus in your 4th House, offers a powerful opportunity for emotional renewal and setting intentions related to home, family, and self-nurturing. However, challenges arise on June 11 as Mars squares Pluto and the Sun squares Saturn, activating tensions between your desires for self-expression and the need for practical discipline, particularly regarding communication and relationships with siblings or neighbours.

Mid-month, on June 17, Mercury's conjunction with Venus in your 4th House, alongside the fixed star Menkalinan, brings clarity and harmony to your domestic affairs, facilitating heartfelt conversations and creative expression within your home environment. As the Full Moon illuminates your 11th House on June 22, forming a T-square with Neptune in your 1st House, you're called to balance your social aspirations with your individual dreams and spiritual growth.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope | May | Astrology House

May 1st: Venus Taurus 2° Square Pluto Aquarius 2°

As Venus enters your 3rd house, communication and social interactions take center stage. However, be cautious of power struggles or hidden dynamics in your social circles as Venus squares Pluto in your 12th house. Pay attention to your intuition to navigate these interactions with grace.

May 2nd: Pluto Turns Retrograde 2° Aquarius

Pluto's retrograde journey urges you to dive deep into your subconscious mind. Take this time to explore hidden motivations and past traumas that may be influencing your present circumstances. Embrace the opportunity for transformation and inner growth.

May 6th: Chiron Conjunct Mercury 20° Aries

Chiron's conjunction with Mercury brings attention to your values and self-worth. Reflect on any wounds related to your sense of security and worthiness, and seek healing through honest communication and self-reflection.

May 8th: New Moon in 18° Taurus

This New Moon in your 3rd house marks a powerful time for new beginnings in communication, learning, and short trips. With Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter also in the mix, expect exciting opportunities for intellectual growth and stimulating conversations.

May 14th: Sun Conjunct Uranus in the 3rd House of Taurus

The Sun's conjunction with Uranus shakes up your routine and brings unexpected insights into your daily life. Embrace spontaneity and be open to unconventional ideas that could lead to exciting breakthroughs.

May 17th: Sun Conjunct Jupiter in the 3rd House of Taurus & North Node Conjunct Mars in the 2nd House of Aries

The Sun's alignment with Jupiter amplifies optimism and expands your horizons, especially in matters of communication and learning. Meanwhile, the conjunction of the North Node and Mars in your 2nd house signals a drive towards financial security and asserting your values.

May 22nd-24th: Venus Conjunct Jupiter in the 3rd House of Taurus

As Venus aligns with Jupiter, expect blessings in your social connections and intellectual pursuits. This is a favorable time for networking and exploring new ideas that bring joy and abundance into your life.

May 23rd: Full Moon in the 10th House of Sagittarius

The Full Moon illuminates your career and public image, urging you to find balance between your professional aspirations and personal life. The trine with Pluto in your 12th house encourages deep transformation and letting go of limiting beliefs that hinder your success.

May 30th: Chiron Conjunct Mars in the 2nd House of Aries

Chiron's conjunction with Mars brings a focus on healing and asserting yourself in matters of finance and self-worth. Take courageous action towards resolving any insecurities or past wounds related to money and value.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope | April | Astrology House

As April begins, Pisces, the Sun shines its light on your 2nd house of income and resources, prompting a reflection on your earning methods, especially as Mercury turns retrograde in this domain. You may find yourself reevaluating your financial avenues, perhaps even revisiting past methods of income generation.

On April 3rd, a delightful alignment occurs as Venus, the planet of love and money, merges with Neptune, the planet of illusion and spirituality, in your first house. This alignment bestows upon you a radiant aura, enhancing your appearance and mood, Pisces.

April 8th brings a significant event with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in your 2nd house, accompanied by Chiron, the wounded healer. This presents an opportunity to heal any limiting beliefs about financial stability, offering a chance for growth in this area, provided you confront any self-imposed constraints.

Be cautious on April 9th as Mars, the planet of action, aligns with Saturn, the planet of restriction, in your 1st house, potentially leading to tense situations or accidents related to your body and self. While fleeting, it's a time to exercise care.

From April 16th to the 26th, a pivotal celestial conjunction occurs as Uranus, the planet of freedom, meets Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in your 3rd house. This may herald liberation from sibling-related constraints, inspiration for writing endeavours, or resolution of communication issues, Pisces.

The Full Moon on April 23rd, residing in Scorpio in your 9th house, spotlights legal matters, higher education, and philosophical pursuits. It marks the culmination of endeavours initiated six months ago, offering closure and the opportunity to set new goals, whether in legal affairs, academic pursuits, or personal growth through philosophical exploration.

If you would like to know how the current Astrology Transits are will Affect you personally you can purchase Astrology Reports Natal Chart | 12 Month Forecast 

Pisces Monthly Horoscope | March | 2024 | Astrology House 

Hello, dear Pisces, and welcome to the transformative energies of March! Eclipse season is upon us, heralding a period of significant change and growth. Let's explore the cosmic influences guiding your journey this month.

Kicking off the month on March 3rd, Venus in your 12th house of subconscious and hidden fears squares off against Uranus in your 3rd house of siblings, neighbours, and short-distance travel. You may find yourself grappling with unexpected disruptions in your immediate environment or facing hidden fears that bubble to the surface. Remember to stay grounded and trust in your inner strength to navigate these challenges.

On March 8th, Mercury merges with dreamy Neptune in your 1st house of self, casting a veil of confusion over your personal direction and identity. You may feel uncertain about which path to take or how to express your true self authentically. Take this time for introspection and allow your intuition to guide you towards clarity and understanding.

The following day, March 9th, Mars in your 1st house squares off against Uranus in your 3rd house, potentially stirring up tensions with siblings or neighbours. Be mindful of impulsive reactions and strive to maintain harmony in your immediate surroundings, despite any unexpected disruptions.

The New Moon on March 10th heralds a fresh start in your 1st house of self, inviting you to embrace a new chapter in your personal journey. This is an auspicious time to set intentions for how you wish to present yourself to the world and to initiate positive changes that align with your true essence.

As the Sun aligns with Neptune in your 1st house on March 16th, your optimism and inspiration for new beginnings are heightened. Trust in the universe to guide you towards fulfilling your dreams and aspirations, dear Pisces, as you step into the radiant light of your authentic self. 

With the pre-shadow of Mercury Retrograde beginning on March 19th, pay attention to any potential communication glitches or logistical challenges, particularly in your 2nd house of income. Stay adaptable and be prepared to adjust as needed to navigate this period with grace and ease.

On March 21st, Venus joins forces with Saturn in your 1st house, grounding your dreams and aspirations in practical reality. This cosmic alignment empowers you to manifest your desires through hard work and dedication, ensuring that your visions become tangible realities.

Finally, on March 25th, a Lunar Eclipse in your 8th house of other people's resources and inheritances signals a culmination or transformation in your financial affairs. Embrace these changes with courage and openness, knowing that they are guiding you towards greater abundance and empowerment.

March promises to be a dynamic and transformative month for Pisces. Embrace the opportunities for growth and self-discovery, trusting in the wisdom of the cosmos to illuminate your path with clarity and purpose. Until next time, may the stars continue to guide and inspire you on your journey.

If you would like to know how the current Astrology Transits are will Affect you personally you can purchase Astrology Reports Natal Chart | 12 Month Forecast