Weekly Horoscope | October 7th -13th  2024 | Astrology House - Astrology House

Weekly Horoscope | October 7th -13th 2024 | Astrology House

Feeling the Eclipse Aftermath? Here's What's Next!

Can you still feel the lingering effects of last week’s eclipse? It’s no surprise if you’ve experienced some major life shifts or heightened emotions lately. Eclipses have a way of shaking things up and guiding us back onto our true path. Personally, I went through some big changes, including a surprising job offer that coincided perfectly with my moving date—talk about cosmic timing! While I had to decline the job for now, I’m staying hopeful that this opportunity will come back around. So, how did the eclipse impact you? If an angle or planet in your chart was triggered, it may have set in motion changes in your life as well. Even if nothing dramatic happened, you’re probably feeling the collective pressure building up, and there’s more to come.

But don’t worry—while we may be navigating through some tension, there are silver linings in these upcoming shifts. The planetary aspects this week give us clues about how these changes will unfold.

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini - October 9

On October 9, Jupiter will retrograde at 21° Gemini, marking a time for introspection and philosophical reassessment. Jupiter in Gemini typically brings a flurry of ideas, communication, and curiosity, but during the retrograde, this energy turns inward. It’s an opportunity to reflect on how you express your beliefs, make decisions, and connect with others. Think of it as a time to pause and reassess your values—what truly matters to you and how can you align your actions with those beliefs? Communication and learning are key here, so take the time to refine your message and sharpen your mental clarity.

Mercury in Scorpio - Uncovering Hidden Truths

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, will be in deep, investigative Scorpio this week, revealing hidden truths and bringing to light what’s been lurking beneath the surface. Expect some important information to emerge, perhaps in the realms of social media or news. With Scorpio’s influence, these revelations might stir strong emotions, but they also offer clarity and the chance for transformation.

Pluto Stations Direct at 29° Capricorn - Big Changes Ahead

Now, for the big one—Pluto will station direct this week at the critical degree of 29° Capricorn. Pluto is the planet of transformation and power, and as it prepares to leave Capricorn, we can expect major shifts in the structures that have governed our lives—think corporations, financial institutions, and long-standing power dynamics. Pluto’s journey through Capricorn has already brought significant changes, especially with the financial crisis in 2008, and now, as it inches toward Aquarius, we're nearing the end of an era.

While this may sound intense, remember that Pluto’s job is to clear away what no longer serves us, paving the way for something new. As we prepare for these changes, the best advice is to focus on what you can control. Stay grounded, prepare yourself emotionally, and be open to the inevitable shifts happening on both personal and global levels. Change is coming, but with it comes the potential for growth and renewal.

Let's take a look at how the planets are influencing your sign this week!

Aries Weekly Horoscope Taurus Weekly Horoscope Gemini Weely Horoscope  Leo Weekly Horoscope Virgo Weekly Horoscope Libra Weekly Horoscope Scorpio Weekly Horoscope Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope Capricorn Weekly Horoscope Aquarius Weekly horoscope Pisces Weekly Horoscope
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