Cancer Weekly Horoscope

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer | Weekly horoscope June 24-30th 2024 | Astrology House

This week heralds a significant shift as the Sun illuminates your 1st house, marking the start of your personal astrological year. With Mercury also in Cancer and forming a supportive trine with Saturn in your 9th house on June 26th, your focus turns to long-term goals, higher education, or perhaps travel plans that enhance your wisdom and broaden your horizons. Relationships benefit from Venus in your 1st house forming a harmonious sextile with Mars in your 11th house from June 27th to 30th, bringing ease and camaraderie in social circles and group activities. This week encourages you to assert your personal ambitions while nurturing connections that align with your values and aspirations. It’s a time to lay foundations for future growth and enjoy the supportive energies surrounding you.

Cancer | Weekly Horoscope | June 16-23rd, 2024 | Astrology House

This week begins with Mercury conjunct Venus at 29° Gemini in your 12th house, urging you to reflect and communicate with grace, especially in matters hidden or spiritual. However, this conjunction squares Neptune at 29° Pisces in your 9th house, suggesting a need for clarity in matters related to beliefs, travel, or higher education. Midweek, on June 22nd, a Full Moon in Capricorn at 1° illuminates your 7th house of partnerships, highlighting significant culminations or completions in your relationships. This Full Moon also squares Neptune in your 9th house, emphasizing the importance of balancing practicality with idealism in your interactions and commitments. It's a potent time for introspection, spiritual growth, and evaluating the authenticity of your connections.

Cancer | Weekly Horoscope | June 9-15th , 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Cancer, you will navigate a series of introspective and transformative aspects. The focus on your 12th house suggests a time for deep self-reflection, healing, and understanding your subconscious motivations. Challenges in communication and social interactions may arise, but they offer opportunities for growth and greater clarity. Embrace the gentle energy towards the end of the week to nurture your inner self and connect with your higher wisdom.

Cancer Horoscope | June 3- 9th 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Cancer, the cosmic focus is on your 12th house of introspection, spirituality, and hidden matters, as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all transit through Gemini. This alignment encourages you to delve into your subconscious, explore your dreams, and connect with your inner self. With Mercury conjunct Jupiter in your 12th house and forming a trine with transformative Pluto in your 8th house, you may find profound insights and ideas resurfacing from your past. This aspect can offer deep understanding and healing, allowing you to integrate these revelations into your current life. It's a powerful time for spiritual growth and uncovering hidden truths.

Additionally, the new moon in Gemini on June 6, conjunct Venus in your 12th house, squares Saturn in your 9th house of beliefs, higher learning, and long-distance travel. This aspect may prompt you to reassess your values and how they align with your broader life philosophy. While the square to Saturn can present challenges or call for serious contemplation, the supportive trine between Jupiter and Pluto offers the strength and insight needed to plant new seeds of intention in your spiritual and inner world. Embrace this time for setting meaningful goals and nurturing your inner growth.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope | May 27-June 2 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Cancer, you might feel like you're in a reflective cocoon as the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter gather in Gemini in your 12th House. This cosmic congregation urges you to retreat into your inner world, seeking solace and introspection. It's a time for quiet contemplation, allowing yourself to process emotions, dreams, and spiritual insights. Pay attention to your intuition; there's wisdom to be found in the depths of your psyche. While you may feel a bit withdrawn, remember that this period of introspection can ultimately lead to profound personal growth and self-awareness.

Meanwhile, the alignment of Mars and Chiron in Aries in your 10th House brings a burst of energy and courage to your professional endeavours. You're driven to assert yourself in your career path, perhaps even confronting past wounds or insecurities that have held you back. Embrace this opportunity to heal old wounds and step into your power with confidence. Additionally, with Mercury and Uranus joining forces in your 11th House, expect unexpected twists and turns in your social circles or community involvement. Stay open to innovative ideas and sudden flashes of insight from your peers, as they could lead to exciting new opportunities for collaboration or personal growth. Trust in the process, Cancer, and allow yourself to navigate this week with grace and intuition.

Cancer | Weekly Horoscope | May 13-19th 2024 | Astrology House

Cancer, it seems like your efforts towards your long-term aspirations are starting to pay off! With the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus lighting up your 11th house of friendships, groups, and future plans, this week could mark the beginning of something you've been dreaming about. It's a fantastic time to connect with friends and get involved in community activities. If you're invited to join in on something fun, don't hesitate to say yes! Meanwhile, your career sector is still buzzing with activity. After spending a month revisiting any career-related wounds with Mercury, Mars is now charging through this area, ready to take action and seize opportunities. If you've been feeling stuck or craving change, Mars is here to ignite a spark and shake things up in your professional life. Get ready for fresh energy and exciting possibilities!

Cancer | Weekly Horoscope | May 6 – 12th 2024 | Astrology House

For Cancer, this week kicks off with a significant conjunction between Chiron and Mercury at 20° Aries, both hanging out in your 10th House of career and public image. This could bring up discussions or realizations around healing old wounds related to your professional life and how you communicate about it. Plus, Mars is adding some fiery energy as it joins its home sign of Aries in your 10th House, igniting your drive and ambition in your career pursuits.

Then, on May 8th, we have the Taurus New Moon at 18° Taurus, happening in your 11th House of friends, community, and long-term goals. This lunar event, along with Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter all cozying up in Taurus, is like a fresh start button for your social circles and aspirations. It's time to plant seeds for new connections, group projects, or future dreams. This New Moon also triggers the recent big alignment of Uranus and Jupiter, amplifying the potential for exciting developments in your social sphere.

Moreover, this New Moon at 18° Taurus in your 11th House is sextile to Saturn at 17° Pisces in your 9th House of higher learning and expansion. This aspect suggests that as you embark on new social endeavours or pursue your long-term goals, there's a supportive energy for taking a disciplined and structured approach. It's a reminder to blend your aspirations with practicality and to stay grounded as you reach for the stars. Overall, this week holds promising opportunities for you to make strides in your career path and expand your social horizons, all while staying rooted in reality.

Cancer | Weekly Horoscope | April 29th – May 5th | Astrology House

Cancer, you're in the spotlight this week! You'll find yourself drawn to socializing within your community and friend circle. With Venus, the Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus aligning, expect an influx of new faces, perhaps even someone special with whom you can form deep connections. Venus's square with Pluto in the 8th house suggests intense dynamics in sexual relationships and shared resources, so keep an eye on developments in that area. This week also brings luck your way, so why not try your hand at the lottery? If you've been struggling to secure a new job, Mercury's direct motion signals a favourable time. You may notice your resume receiving more attention or hear back from potential employers. With Mars energizing your career sector, your drive and ambition are heightened, whether you're advancing in your current role or seeking new opportunities. Cancerians, rejoice – this is a week filled with positivity!

Cancer Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

The wild card conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter is happening in your 11th house, Cancer. Very lucky and filled with possibilities, this is the house of friendships, community groups, and your future goals. This conjunction will sextile Mars in the 9th house and may bring you a long-distance relationship, an opportunity to publish your work, or take on that master's degree or doctorate! The full Moon in Scorpio in your 5th house of fun, children, and lovers suggests that an issue with a child may come to a head, or you may find yourself running out of enthusiasm with a lover and considering calling it quits. The Scorpio full moon is asking us to look more than skin deep. Venus will conjoin Chiron in your 10th house of career and public reputation at this time, Cancer. You may find some healing and joy in your work life or an answer to the direction that you need to go in the future. This can also be a time when you are welcomed into a peer group that can help heal old wounds.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope | April 15-21st 2024 | Astrology House

Get ready, Cancer, for an electrifying cosmic event as the dynamic duo of Uranus and Jupiter converge in your 11th house of friendships, networks, groups, and goals. Brace yourself for a revolutionary wave that has the potential to reshape your life trajectory and propel you into an exhilarating new chapter. This celestial alignment promises breakthroughs in realms such as real estate and collaborative ventures, ushering in opportunities to join forces with like-minded individuals and pursue your grandest dreams. With the recent solar eclipse casting its transformative energy upon your 10th house of career, the cosmos hints at a potential career change that could elevate your status and financial well-being. Embrace this cosmic momentum, Cancer, and seize the opportunities that come your way. It's time to embark on an exciting journey towards your brightest future. Go forth and conquer!

Cancer Weekly Horoscope | April 8-14th 2024 | Astrology House

This week, brace yourselves as the solar eclipse takes center stage, casting its cosmic influence over your career and public image. As the Moon rules Cancer, this celestial event holds particular significance for you. Get ready for a glow-up, dear Crabs, even though stepping into the spotlight may feel uncomfortable for those who prefer the shadows.

With the eclipse occurring in your 10th house of career and public image, you may find yourself reassessing your professional trajectory. Mercury's retrograde in this area urges you to reconsider your current plans. Perhaps it's time to align your career path with your true passions, like that long-held dream of turning your love for pottery into a full-time pursuit. This is your chance to reshape how the world perceives you.

Profound opportunities await during this glow-up phase, offering healing for old wounds, especially with the solar eclipse conjunct Chiron. Embrace these new or revitalized opportunities as vehicles for personal growth and healing.

However, be prepared for a potential challenge the following day as Mars aligns with Saturn in your sector of travel, overseas matters, and philosophies. Legal issues may come to the forefront, and you could face resistance. If you're embroiled in a legal battle, be ready to stand your ground. Consider waiting until the end of the month when the astrological energy shifts and intensity wanes before making any major moves.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope | April 1-7 | Astrology House

As this week unfolds, Cancer, you'll find yourself deeply immersed in reflections on your career path and objectives, thanks to Mercury's retrograde motion in your 10th house. It's a period for re-evaluating your professional trajectory, possibly revisiting past career choices. However, with Mercury retrograde, be cautious as miscommunications may arise. It's not an ideal time for making significant job changes or signing contracts. Ensure you thoroughly review all details, as overlooking crucial information could occur until Mercury resumes direct motion later in the month.

April 3rd marks an intriguing alignment between Venus, the Planet of Love, and dreamy Neptune in your 9th house, highlighting opportunities related to higher education, overseas travel, and connections with foreigners. This day holds promise for creative endeavours, holiday planning, or meaningful encounters with individuals from distant lands.

On April 4th, the Sun merges with the North Node of Fate in your 10th house, urging you to seize new opportunities for career advancement or a shift in status. Embrace the cosmic invitation for growth and evolution in your professional life.

As Venus enters your career sector on April 6th and forms a sextile with Pluto, the Planet of Transformation in your 8th house, you're presented with the chance to explore transformative career paths. Consider venturing into finance, superannuation, or unconventional realms like astrology, healing, or tarot. This alignment encourages you to embrace change and delve into areas that may have previously seemed taboo but hold immense potential for personal and professional growth.


Cancer Weekly Horoscope | March 25-31, 2024 | Astrology House

This week for Cancer, the spotlight shifts to your 10th house of Career and Public Image as the sun illuminates this area. You'll be driven to make improvements and advancements in your professional life. However, it's essential to note that Mercury is in a shadow phase in this domain and will soon retrograde, suggesting that while exploring new career options, it's wise to remain flexible as plans may change during this period.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse on the 25th of March occurs in your 4th house, emphasizing matters related to home and family roots. This could signify significant changes such as considering a move within the next six months, the departure or arrival of a family member, or alterations within the parental home. This lunar event prompts a re-evaluation of the connection between your career and home life, possibly leading to a career shift that provides resources for a new living situation or home decor update. With Pluto aligning harmoniously with the lunar eclipse, transformations may also manifest in financial matters, such as taxes, inheritances, or a new job role that enhances your resources.

Meanwhile, Venus, the planet of love and money, graces your 9th house of overseas travel, foreign connections, and higher education. Venus forms a sextile with Jupiter in your 11th house of networks, suggesting the potential for expanding your connections through opportunities with foreign companies or individuals. This alignment may facilitate networking and open doors for beneficial collaborations or ventures. You can read more about this weeks Lunar Eclipse here 


Cancer Weekly Horoscope | March 18-24 2024 | Astrology House

This week for Cancer, the sun continues to illuminate your 9th house, emphasizing themes of long-distance travel, self-discovery, and publication. With the sun still aligned with Neptune, you may feel a heightened spiritual awareness. While exploring life's mysteries can be enriching, be cautious not to overwhelm yourself mentally. Step back occasionally to appreciate the world's wonders from a more detached perspective. If you're involved in publishing or creative projects, consider postponing major decisions for a day or two to avoid confusion and information overload.

Mercury, the planet of communication, joins forces with the North Node and Chiron in your 10th house of career and status. This week may bring news related to your professional or personal ambitions, surprising you with opportunities you may have doubted. Past insecurities might resurface, but pay attention to these developments, as they could signal significant beginnings leading up to April's Solar Eclipse.

Towards the week's end, Venus aligns with Saturn in Pisces once again, highlighting your 9th house concerns. Travel plans may take on a more serious tone, possibly related to work or responsibilities. For singles, romance with someone from another culture or while traveling is possible, but for those in relationships, differences in spiritual or philosophical outlooks could create temporary disconnects. Remember, these challenges are transient, and harmony will eventually be restored.

If you would like to know how the current Astrology Transits are will Affect you personally you can purchase Astrology Reports Natal Chart | 12 Month Forecast 


Weekly Horoscope for Cancer | March 11-17, 2024 | Astrology House

Dear Cancer, this week heralds a focus on higher education and long-distance travel as the sun illuminates these areas of your life. It's an opportune time to delve deeper into your studies or start planning that overseas adventure you've been dreaming of. The recent new moon may have sparked a new endeavor in these realms, perhaps inspiring you to embark on a new blogging venture or launch a social media page. Don't hesitate to share your voice and ideas with the world, Cancer! As the sun conjuncts Neptune in your area of higher education, long-distance travel, and publication, some confusion may arise regarding your plans. However, this alignment signifies a period of creativity and innovation, with the recent new moon igniting new projects. Embrace any challenges as opportunities for growth, Cancer, and trust that you're on the right path.

Additionally, with Venus traversing the realms of higher education, publication, and long-distance travel, expect extra cosmic support this week. If you're seeking romance, you may find yourself drawn to someone from another culture or perhaps a fellow student catches your eye.

The moon's journey through your 11th and 12th houses emphasizes the importance of your social network and community connections. Remember to prioritize self-care and rest, as it's easy for you to retreat into your shell. This week presents an excellent opportunity to recharge your batteries.

Mercury's entrance into your career sector suggests potential communication regarding job opportunities or your professional identity being spotlighted on a larger scale.

The alignment of the North Node and Chiron in Aries, your career zone, encourages reflection on past career experiences and the lessons they've taught you. Use this wisdom to overcome any previous obstacles and propel yourself forward in your career journey.


Cancer Weekly Horoscope | March 4-10 2024 | Astrology House 

Dear Cancer, as the week unfolds, the cosmos weaves a tapestry of celestial influences that invite you to explore new horizons, deepen your spiritual connection, and embrace transformational experiences.

With the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, and Neptune converging in the 9th house of Pisces, your focus turns towards matters of higher learning, spirituality, and personal growth. This alignment encourages you to embark on a journey of discovery, seeking wisdom and insight from diverse sources that expand your understanding of the world and your place within it. Embrace the opportunity to explore new belief systems, engage in philosophical discussions, or embark on a pilgrimage that nourishes your soul and broadens your perspective.

At the end of the week, a New Moon in Pisces amplifies the energy of new beginnings and spiritual renewal. This lunation invites you to set intentions that align with your highest aspirations and deepest desires. Take this opportunity to envision a future filled with abundance, compassion, and fulfillment, trusting in the guidance of your intuition to lead you towards your dreams.

Meanwhile, Venus graces the 8th house of Aquarius, urging you to delve into the depths of intimacy, transformation, and shared resources. You may find yourself drawn to explore the mysteries of the psyche, engage in soulful connections with loved ones, or embark on a journey of self-discovery that unveils hidden truths and untapped potential. Embrace the transformative power of love and vulnerability, allowing yourself to release old patterns and embrace new beginnings in your relationships.

However, be mindful of the square between Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in the 11th house of Taurus, which may bring unexpected disruptions or changes in your social sphere. Remain adaptable and open-minded in the face of uncertainty, trusting that upheavals pave the way for growth and liberation from stagnant patterns.

With Jupiter gracing the 11th house of Taurus, you are blessed with opportunities for expansion, abundance, and fulfillment within your social networks and community connections. Embrace the spirit of generosity and collaboration, knowing that your contributions have the power to uplift and inspire those around you.

As you navigate the cosmic currents of the week ahead, Cancer, trust in the guidance of your intuition and the wisdom of the universe to lead you towards greater harmony, fulfillment, and spiritual awakening.

If you would like to know how the current Astrology Transits are will Affect you personally you can purchase Astrology Reports Natal Chart | 12 Month Forecast