Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aries |Taurus |Gemini |Cancer |Leo |Virgo |Libra |Scorpio |Sagittarius |Capricorn | Aquarius| Pisces 

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius | Weekly horoscope June 24-30th 2024 | Astrology House

Aquarius, this week spotlights your daily routines and health matters as the Sun enters Cancer in your 6th house. You're inclined to focus on practicalities and improving your well-being. Mercury's trine with Saturn on June 26th further emphasizes discipline and efficiency in your work and daily habits, making it an ideal time to organize your schedule and tackle responsibilities with clarity and determination. Venus, also in your 6th house, forms a harmonious sextile with Mars in your 4th house from June 27th to 30th, enhancing harmony in your home environment and possibly inspiring you to beautify or make improvements. This week, Aquarius, find balance between nurturing your personal needs and contributing effectively to your daily tasks and household dynamics. Your thoughtful approach can lead to greater stability and satisfaction in both realms of life.


Aquarius | Weekly Horoscope | June 16-23rd , 2024 | Astrology House

This week begins with Mercury conjunct Venus at 29° Gemini in your 5th house, sparking creativity and romance in your personal expression and hobbies. However, this aspect squares Neptune at 29° Pisces in your 2nd house, cautioning against financial or self-worth illusions. As the week progresses, the Full Moon in Capricorn at 1° illuminates your 12th house on June 22nd, highlighting endings, spiritual insights, and the need for introspection. This Full Moon also squares Neptune in your 2nd house, emphasizing the importance of discerning between reality and idealism in financial matters. Take time for inner reflection and ensure clarity before making important decisions.

Aquarius | Weekly Horoscope | June 9-15th , 2024 | Astrology House

This week for Aquarius, there's a mix of challenges and opportunities in the areas of self-expression, creativity, and finances. While you may encounter obstacles or conflicts, particularly in family dynamics and financial matters, you also have the opportunity to express yourself creatively and communicate effectively. It's important to navigate these challenges with patience, diplomacy, and clarity to make the most of the favorable aspects for self-expression and social interactions. Focus on finding a balance between your creative pursuits and practical responsibilities, allowing yourself to shine while maintaining stability in your financial affairs.

Aquarius Horoscope | June 3- 9th 2024 | Astrology House

For Aquarius this week, the cosmic spotlight shines brightly on your 5th House as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter gather in Gemini, igniting themes of creativity, self-expression, romance, and joy. With Mercury, the planet of communication, joining forces with expansive Jupiter in your 5th House, you're primed for exhilarating ideas and lively conversations. This conjunction, further enhanced by a trine to transformative Pluto in your 1st House, suggests a potent blend of intellect, curiosity, and the ability to express yourself with depth and intensity. You may find yourself drawn to creative projects or pursuits that allow you to delve into the deeper layers of your psyche, leading to profound insights and personal growth.

However, the energy of the week isn't without its challenges. The New Moon in Gemini, coupled with Venus, brings fresh starts and opportunities for love and creativity in your 5th House. Yet, a square to Saturn in your 2nd House of finances and values reminds you to approach these endeavours with practicality and responsibility. While you're encouraged to explore new avenues of self-expression and pleasure, it's essential to consider the long-term implications and ensure that your actions align with your values and commitments. By finding a balance between spontaneity and discipline, you can make the most of the vibrant energy available this week and lay the groundwork for lasting fulfillment in both your creative and material pursuits.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope | May 27-June 2 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Aquarius, the cosmos illuminate your creative flair and passion as the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter gather in Gemini, gracing your 5th House. You'll find yourself overflowing with innovative ideas and a desire to express yourself freely. This planetary alignment encourages you to embrace spontaneity and explore your artistic side, whether through writing, painting, or any other form of self-expression. Your charm and charisma are amplified, drawing others to you effortlessly. Embrace opportunities for fun and romance, allowing yourself to indulge in playful experiences that ignite your joy. However, with Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries, residing in your 3rd House, be mindful of communication mishaps or conflicts that may arise. Use your diplomatic skills to navigate any tensions gracefully, focusing on finding solutions rather than dwelling on differences.

Furthermore, with Mercury conjunct Uranus in your 4th House, you're urged to pay attention to your inner world and domestic environment. Expect unexpected insights and revelations regarding your family dynamics or living situation. Embrace change with an open mind, as it could lead to breakthroughs in understanding and emotional growth. This week, Aquarius, balance your creative pursuits with attention to your personal connections and home life, finding harmony in both realms. Trust in your intuition to guide you through any challenges, knowing that you have the resilience and adaptability to thrive in any situation.

Aquarius | Weekly Horoscope | May 13-19th 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Aquarius, the focus is on home and family matters, with all the cosmic benefactors aligning in your house of domesticity. Anticipate a heartwarming atmosphere as love fills the air within your home. It's a special time to gather friends and family, cherishing moments together and creating lasting memories. Be open to unexpected visitors who bring joy into your space. With Mars journeying through your 3rd house of short-distance travel, you may find yourself planning a getaway to visit loved ones or hosting family members who come to see you. Embrace the abundance of love and connection this week as you bond with those closest to your heart.

Aquarius | Weekly Horoscope | May 6 – 12th 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Aquarius, you're in for some significant cosmic activity. On May 7th, Chiron teams up with Mercury at 20° Aries, landing in your 3rd house, which governs short-distance travel and siblings. This combo could bring about conversations or revelations that touch on healing past wounds in these areas. Mars, your ruling planet, also joins the party in Aries and the 3rd house, infusing you with assertive energy and a drive to communicate your ideas with passion.

Then, on May 8th, the Taurus New Moon shines its light on your 4th house of home and family, accompanied by Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter. This powerful alignment signals a fresh start in matters close to your heart, especially concerning your home environment and familial relationships. It's a time to embrace change and initiate new beginnings in your domestic sphere. This New Moon also activates the ongoing dynamic between Uranus and Jupiter, amplifying the potential for transformative shifts in your personal life.

Moreover, the New Moon at 18° Taurus forms a harmonious sextile aspect with Saturn at 17° Pisces in your 2nd house of finances and values. This suggests that your efforts to create stability and security in your material life align well with your long-term goals and aspirations. It's a favourable time to make practical decisions regarding your resources and investments, laying down solid foundations for your future.

Overall, this week presents you with opportunities to heal old wounds, assert your ideas confidently, and lay the groundwork for a more stable and fulfilling home life. Embrace the changes coming your way and trust in your ability to navigate them with grace and determination.

Aquarius | Weekly Horoscope | April 29th – May 5th | Astrology House

Aquarius, this week centres around the comforts of home and the potential for moving into a new living space, pimping up a living Space, or renovating your own space. With Venus, the Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus all influencing your home sector, your domestic life is bustling with expansion. However, Venus's tense Square to Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, positioned on your ascendant, suggests personal growth and change, particularly regarding your home. You may feel a strong desire to make changes in your living environment, as you become more aware of what needs adjustment. Meanwhile, Mars in your 3rd house, governing siblings, short-distance travel, and communication, indicates lively discussions with siblings. Despite any tensions, this period holds immense promise for you, Aquarius. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction promises remarkable changes in the years ahead, complemented by Pluto's influence in your sign for the next two decades. Embrace this transformative time—it's truly yours.

Aquarius Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is occurring in your 4th house of home, family, and ancestry. You may find that this period sparks a change in your home over the next 14 years. The following change could transform you, especially as you also have Pluto in a long stretch in your ruling sign! Transformation, change, and evolution: blessed is the Aquarius that loves the evolution of life! Mars is sextile the conjunction this week, so you may feel some tension in your income. Unexpected bills may demand your attention! The Full Moon in Scorpio this week is happening in your 10th house of career. Perhaps these changes spark a new career, new income, and a new home! Wow! Venus conjunct Chiron this week in your 3rd house of siblings, cousins, writing, teaching, and short-distance travel. This may be a great week when a sibling or relation offers an olive branch if you haven't seen eye to eye lately. Or you may find comfort in writing or taking a short-distance trip! What an amazing beginning for this 14-year cycle, dear Aquarius!

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope | April 15-21st 2024 | Astrology House

Embrace the winds of change, Aquarius! Over the next 13 years, a transformative cycle unfolds in your 4th house of home, promising a shake-up in your domestic sphere. Whether it's a literal change of residence or a shift in your living arrangements, be prepared for exciting developments on the home front. Expect the unexpected as your home expands to accommodate new faces or alternative ways of living. Perhaps you'll find yourself embracing a nomadic lifestyle or exploring unconventional living arrangements. The recent New Moon solar eclipse in your 3rd house of siblings, short-distance travel, and communication sets the stage for familial shifts. Siblings may come and go, or changes within your extended family dynamic could ripple into your home life. Keep an eye out for opportunities arising from the sale of a family home or property, as these changes have the potential to liberate you and pave the way for new adventures. Stay open to the possibilities, Aquarius. Embracing these changes can lead to newfound freedom and exciting opportunities on the horizon.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope | April 8-14th 2024 | Astrology House

Aquarius, brace yourself for the cosmic buzz as the New Moon Solar eclipse illuminates your 3rd house this week, setting the stage for revelations in areas related to siblings, distant relations, short trips, and education. However, with Mercury retrograde in this domain, expect a flurry of miscommunications, delays, and the need for reassessments.

The solar eclipse sheds light on matters close to home, perhaps unveiling a sibling dynamic or familial situation previously shrouded in obscurity. Be prepared for unexpected developments—a new addition to the family, a revealing conversation with a relative, or a renewed interest in pursuing educational endeavors, like teaching.

Chiron's conjunction with the new moon eclipse suggests that amidst these revelations, there lies potential for profound healing, particularly in areas tied to relatives, short distance travel, writing and learning.

Yet, as Mars aligns with Saturn in your 2nd house of income, financial tensions may arise, presenting challenges or delays in financial matters. Stay composed, Aquarius, as this aspect will swiftly pass, paving the way for resolutions without lasting repercussions.

Navigate this week with patience and resilience, knowing that clarity and stability await on the horizon.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope | April 1-7 | Astrology House

Aquarius, in the week ahead, Mercury, the Planet of Communication, will station and turn retrograde in your sphere related to siblings, cousins, teaching, writing, and short-distance travel. This retrograde motion prompts you to reassess how you communicate in these areas of your life, as significant changes may unfold in the coming months. Mercury retrograde is notorious for causing delays in communication and overlooking details in projects. Therefore, it's crucial to double-check paperwork and important documentation to ensure accuracy.

On April 3rd, Venus, the Planet of Love and Blessings, will form a harmonious conjunction with Neptune in your 2nd house of Income. This day presents an excellent opportunity for seeking bonuses or receiving additional earnings that you rightfully deserve. It's also favourable for negotiating a pay raise.

April 4th sees the Sun aligning with the North Node of Fate in your 3rd house, emphasizing the importance of matters related to siblings, cousins, writing, and teaching projects. Significant changes are on the horizon for you, offering numerous opportunities for personal growth.

As Venus moves into your 3rd house on April 6th, making a supportive sextile to Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, in your 1st house of self, you may undergo a significant transformation in your persona. You could receive wonderful support from your extended family or find solace in writing or journaling during this time.

Overall, this week urges you to pay attention to communication, financial opportunities, and personal growth, as transformative energies surround you, Aquarius.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope | March 25-31, 2024 | Astrology House

This week for Aquarius, the spotlight shines on your 3rd house, emphasizing communication, writing, speech, siblings, and short-distance travel. With Mercury, the planet of Communication, in this sector and entering its shadow period before going retrograde next month, there may be instances of miscommunication and challenges in articulating your thoughts clearly. It's crucial to prioritize clarity in communication, especially with siblings or students, as confusion may lead to revisiting the same topics over the next few weeks.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra occurs in your 9th house, highlighting themes of long-distance travel, interactions with foreigners, publishing, legal matters, and philosophical shifts. This celestial event could mark the conclusion of a legal issue, the culmination of overseas journeys, or a transformation in personal beliefs. With a beneficial trine from Pluto on your ascendant, these changes in your 9th house may also influence your personal appearance or your self-perception.

Additionally, Venus in your 2nd house of earnings and self-worth forms a favourable aspect with Jupiter in your 4th house, suggesting a fruitful period for financial endeavours related to your home. Whether you're selling household items or investing in property, this week presents opportunities for financial gain through domestic affairs. You can read more about this weeks Lunar Eclipse here 


Aquarius Weekly Horoscope | March 18-24 2024 | Astrology House

As Venus aligns with the sun in the final decan of your 2nd house, your financial endeavours are highlighted. Recent activities might have brought about an increase in income or new opportunities, such as a raise or a financial settlement. Your focus has been on building your financial stability. If you've been channelling your efforts towards financial manifestation, the alignment of Neptune and the Sun can amplify your intentions, ensuring the cosmos hears you loud and clear.

Mercury, the planet of communication, joins forces with Chiron and the North Node in your 3rd house, governing short-distance travel and siblings. This week, communication from a sibling may reopen old wounds for you, Aquarius. It's a time for introspection, as you're being urged to examine these past hurts, especially with an eclipse looming in this area of your chart next month. The communication you receive now could offer insights into what the April Solar Eclipse will illuminate for you.

Meanwhile, Venus aligns with Saturn in your 2nd house of income, indicating a focus on long-term financial stability. With significant activity in this sector over the past month, there's potential for new beginnings and positive outcomes in your financial pursuits. Stay determined, Aquarius, and continue to pursue your financial goals. If you're in a relationship, love may take a backseat temporarily as you focus on material aspirations. For those seeking romance, opportunities may arise in environments where wealth is prevalent.

If you would like to know how the current Astrology Transits are will Affect you personally you can purchase Astrology Reports Natal Chart | 12 Month Forecast 

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope | March 11-17, 2024 | Astrology House

Dear Aquarius,

This week continues to place a spotlight on your financial matters. With the presence of the Sun, Saturn, Venus, and Neptune all occupying your 2nd house in Pisces, you're embarking on a fresh journey concerning your earnings and self-worth. You might find yourself actively pursuing personal growth to enhance your resources. There's a palpable sense of authority and courage within you, suggesting the possibility of scaling professional heights, Aquarius. Pluto's alignment with your ascendant signifies a profound and visible transformation taking place in your life.

As the week progresses, the conjunction of the Sun with Neptune urges you to become acutely aware of what requires release within your income streams. This could involve restructuring financial arrangements or letting go of possessions that no longer serve a purpose. You might encounter moments of uncertainty regarding managing your finances, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction as you compare yourself to others. However, this is an opportune time to focus on nurturing your internal sense of worth. With numerous new beginnings in this realm, you're embarking on a journey of self-transformation towards embodying the powerhouse that is Aquarius. Remember, you are building up to this transformation over the next 20 years. Embrace your courage and strength.

The Moon prompts you to seek comfort through introspection this week, perhaps by reflecting on relationships with siblings or engaging in activities that provide solace, such as enrolling in a short course, taking a leisurely drive, or indulging in some home cooking.

Mercury's entry into your 3rd house encourages communication and assertion. However, it's advisable to focus on gathering information, considering the upcoming Mercury retrograde in this area next month, coupled with impending eclipses. Topics that stir your passions will soon find resolution. Additionally, be mindful of Chiron and the North Node's presence in the third house, indicating a potential revisit to old wounds and subsequent healing.

Stay resilient and embrace the opportunities for growth and transformation that lie ahead, Aquarius.


Aquarius Weekly Horoscope | March 4-10 2024 | Astrology House 

Dear Aquarius, as the week unfolds, the cosmic energies continue to usher in a period of profound transformation and renewal, guiding you on your journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.

With Pluto, Mars, and Venus still igniting your first house, the process of personal evolution is well underway. You may feel the intensity of this transformative energy as you shed old layers of self and embrace the emerging new you. However, be prepared for potential tension at home, as Mars squares Uranus in your fourth house of Taurus. This aspect may manifest as upheaval or conflict within your family dynamics, perhaps involving a sibling or a matter concerning your mother's home. Trust that clarity will emerge in the coming weeks, especially with the upcoming conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in April 2024, shedding light on any unresolved issues and paving the way for positive change.

Meanwhile, the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, and Neptune converge in your second house of income and earning, placing a significant focus on your financial affairs. If you've been feeling the weight of money worries, know that help may be available from unexpected sources, such as government institutions or financial advisors. Be proactive in collecting the information you need to alleviate any financial pressures and empower yourself to take control of your economic situation.

With the Moon drifting through your twelfth house of Capricorn, the cosmos encourages you to prioritize rest and relaxation this week. Listen to the whispers of your intuition and honor the need for solitude and introspection. Allow yourself to recharge your batteries and find solace in the sanctuary of your dreams, where answers and insights may be revealed.

As you navigate the week ahead, Aquarius, trust in your inner strength and resilience to navigate any challenges that arise, knowing that each obstacle is a stepping stone on your path to greater self-awareness and fulfillment.

If you would like to know how the current Astrology Transits are will Affect you personally you can purchase Astrology Reports Natal Chart | 12 Month Forecast