Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Aries |Taurus |Gemini |Cancer |Leo |Virgo |Libra |Scorpio |Sagittarius |Capricorn | Aquarius| Pisces 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope


Pisces | Weekly horoscope June 24-30th 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Pisces, the cosmic energies emphasize creativity, romance, and self-expression as the Sun enters Cancer, illuminating your 5th house of joy and passion. Mercury's trine with Saturn on the 26th enhances your ability to communicate effectively, especially regarding personal projects or romantic endeavors. You may find yourself drawn to structured and disciplined approaches that support your creative pursuits. Meanwhile, Venus in Cancer forms a supportive sextile with Mars in your 3rd house of communication from the 27th to the 30th, enhancing your charm and eloquence in social interactions. This is an excellent time for heartfelt conversations and expressing your feelings with clarity and grace. Use this harmonious energy to nurture your artistic talents and strengthen connections with loved ones.

Pisces | Weekly Horoscope | June 16-23rd , 2024 | Astrology House

This week begins with Mercury conjunct Venus at 29° Gemini in your 4th House, highlighting a strong focus on communication and harmony in your home and family life. However, this aspect squares Neptune at 29° Pisces in your 1st House, suggesting potential confusion or misunderstandings in personal matters. As we approach June 22nd, a Full Moon in Capricorn at 1° illuminates your 11th House of friendships and community, marking a time of culmination and realization in these areas. This Full Moon also squares Neptune in your 1st House, emphasizing the need for clarity amidst emotional intensity. Balancing practical goals with spiritual insights will be key this week, as you navigate through creative opportunities and the potential for deep personal growth.

Pisces | Weekly Horoscope | June 9-15th , 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Pisces, you may navigate through a mix of challenges and harmonious energies in your personal and domestic life. Tensions regarding identity, communication, and responsibilities could arise, especially within your family sphere. However, there are opportunities for heartfelt communication, mental clarity, and emotional connection within your home. Focus on finding balance, expressing yourself authentically, and nurturing your closest relationships for a sense of emotional fulfillment and security.

Pisces Horoscope | June 3- 9th 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Pisces, the cosmic energy is centered around your 4th house, the sector governing home, family, and emotional foundations. With the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all aligning in Gemini in your 4th house, there's a strong emphasis on communication, learning, and expansion within your domestic sphere. Mercury's conjunction with Jupiter heightens your mental acuity and encourages optimistic thinking regarding home matters. This conjunction, forming a trine with Pluto in your 12th house of subconscious and spiritual transformation, suggests that profound insights may arise from exploring your past or delving into deeper psychological realms. You're inclined to deeply understand and communicate your emotions, possibly leading to transformative breakthroughs in your personal life.

However, the New Moon in Gemini, closely conjunct Venus in your 4th house, squares Saturn in your 1st house of self and identity, introducing a dynamic tension between your domestic sphere and personal aspirations. This aspect urges you to carefully consider your values and priorities regarding home and self-expression. There may be challenges or limitations you encounter in asserting your individuality while balancing familial obligations or emotional responsibilities. Yet, the supportive trine between Jupiter and Pluto suggests that despite these challenges, there's potential for growth and empowerment through introspection and alignment with your deeper emotional needs. This week calls for Pisceans to find harmony between nurturing their inner selves and navigating external demands, fostering a sense of security and authenticity within their personal and domestic lives.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope | May 27-June 2 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Pisces, your focus shifts towards matters close to home as the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter converge in your 4th House of domesticity and family. With this cosmic alignment in versatile Gemini, you may find yourself eager to communicate and connect with loved ones, seeking stimulating conversations and intellectual exchanges within the comfort of your own space. This planetary configuration encourages you to explore your roots, delve into nostalgic memories, and perhaps even initiate discussions about potential changes or renovations within your home environment. Embrace this energy to foster harmony and understanding within your family dynamics, while also allowing yourself to indulge in moments of creative expression and shared joy.

Meanwhile, in your 2nd House of finances and self-worth, the conjunction of Mars and Chiron in fiery Aries prompts you to confront any lingering insecurities or conflicts surrounding your material resources and sense of value. You may feel a surge of assertiveness and determination to take charge of your financial situation but beware of impulsive actions that could lead to unnecessary risk or conflict. Use the healing power of Chiron to address any deep-seated wounds related to money or self-esteem, and channel the bold energy of Mars towards productive endeavours that empower you to achieve greater stability and abundance. Additionally, with Mercury and Uranus conjoining in your 3rd House of communication and mental activity, you're likely to experience sudden insights and innovative ideas that could revolutionize your thinking patterns and communication style. Stay open to unconventional perspectives and be willing to embrace change, as this cosmic alignment offers you the opportunity to break free from mental limitations and explore new ways of expressing yourself with confidence and authenticity. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to embrace the unexpected twists and turns that may arise, knowing that they ultimately lead you towards greater self-discovery and personal growth.

Pisces | Weekly Horoscope | May 13-19th 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Pisces, the stars have aligned in your favour, particularly in your 3rd house, which governs communication, short trips, and siblings. You might find yourself engaging in meaningful conversations with siblings or embarking on short journeys to reconnect with them. Whatever the case, this week holds a plethora of blessings in terms of communication for you, leaving others captivated by your words. It's an ideal time to tackle any speech or writing tasks as success is on the cards for you in these endeavours. Additionally, you may feel a surge of motivation to address any income-related matters. Mars traversing through your income sector could present opportunities to enhance your earnings or resolve financial issues. Stay tuned into these energies, Pisces, as they pave the way for positive developments this week.

Pisces | Weekly Horoscope | May 6 – 12th 2024 | Astrology House

For Pisces this week, the cosmic energy is buzzing with potential shifts and opportunities. On May 7th, Chiron meets up with Mercury at 20° Aries, highlighting your 2nd House, which governs income and self-worth. This alignment urges you to pay attention to how you communicate about your finances and value yourself. With Mars also in Aries and your 2nd House, there's a fiery energy boosting your drive to take action and assert yourself in matters related to money and self-esteem.

Then, on May 8th, the Taurus New Moon lands at 18° in your 3rd House, which rules siblings, short distance travel, communication, writing, and teaching. With Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter in Taurus, all activating this area of your chart, there's a potent emphasis on initiating new beginnings in these areas of your life. This New Moon also reignites the recent powerful alignment of Uranus and Jupiter, magnifying the potential for transformative changes in your communication style, learning endeavours, and connections with siblings.

Moreover, the New Moon at 18° Taurus forms a harmonious sextile aspect with Saturn at 17° Pisces, your 1st House. This suggests a supportive influence from Saturn, enhancing your sense of discipline and responsibility, particularly in how you present yourself to the world and approach new beginnings. It's a favourable time for laying down solid foundations for your personal growth and development, while also embracing opportunities for learning and connecting with others on a deeper level. Trust in your ability to navigate these changes with grace and determination, knowing that you have the support of the cosmos behind you.

Pisces | Weekly Horoscope | April 29th – May 5th | Astrology House

Pisces, this week highlights your house of short-distance travel, making it an ideal time for a brief getaway to unwind and release some tension. It's also a wonderful opportunity to strengthen connections with siblings and close relatives. However, be mindful as Venus squares Pluto in your 12th house of hidden matters. This alignment may bring forth old fears or unresolved issues when interacting with siblings. Additionally, there might be concerns regarding transportation or vehicle issues that surface. Furthermore, Mars entering your 2nd house of income boosts your drive and ambition to increase earnings. If the past few weeks have been financially challenging or if you've been dealing with lingering issues, now is the time to clear the path for new financial opportunities. Embrace the favourable cosmic influences to explore fresh income streams.

Pisces Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Pisces, you have the amazing conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in your 3rd house of siblings, cousins, writing, teaching, and short-distance travel. This could spark off some incredible changes in your siblings' lives that affect you. This can be a time when you take up writing, creating that blog, or pursuing a study passion in your own time. With Mars sextile the conjunction this week, you may find that you really have the drive to delve into a new topic that interests you! This can also be a time when you actively seek your sibling to connect and enjoy their company. With the full moon in Scorpio this week happening in your 9th house of legal matters, overseas travel, and foreigners, this may be a time when you resolve legal issues or complete a project with an overseas person or topic. Venus conjunct Chiron, the centaur of healing, this week in your 2nd house of income, giving you blessings in this area of your chart, dear Pisces. This can be an unexpected bonus in the pay packet in addition to the money you have earned; perhaps money from the past has come back to you!

Pisces Weekly Horoscope | April 8-14th 2024 | Astrology House

Dear Pisces, this week ushers in a wave of tension, urging you to tread cautiously amidst celestial shifts. With Mercury retrograde in your 2nd house of income, the cosmos sends a clear signal: be vigilant against misinformation regarding your finances. Take time to scrutinize promises regarding superannuation and other wage-related incentives.

As the week unfurls, brace yourself for the potent New Moon Solar Eclipse in your house of income, finances, and self-worth. This cosmic alignment may pave the way for a new avenue of earning or a surge in self-value tied to financial gains. However, it's essential to ponder: are these two truly intertwined, Pisces? Does one's worth diminish because another earns more?

While opportunities for financial growth may arise, beware of deceptive allurements. With Mars and Saturn conjoining in your first house of self-image, resistance to this newfound sense of ego may surface. Brace yourself, as this could serve as a poignant lesson delivered by external forces.

Remember, Pisces, we're all voyagers navigating the lessons of earthly existence. Each soul is deserving of love and respect, irrespective of material wealth. Keep this in mind as the week progresses. Purposefully stirring conflict may lead to a harsh reckoning. Stay grounded amidst the cosmic dance, for humility is the beacon guiding us through life's tumultuous seas.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope | April 1-7 | Astrology House

Dear Pisces, as we enter this week, Mercury stations and begins its retrograde motion in your 2nd house of earned income, urging you to reassess your financial situation. Take a closer look at whether your current income is truly satisfying you. If you're presented with new contracts or financial opportunities, it's advisable to postpone signing them until Mercury turns direct. During this retrograde phase, there's a chance of missing crucial details due to Mercury's influence over communication.

On April 3rd, Venus, the planet of love and blessings, forms a delightful conjunction with Neptune in your 1st house. This alignment brings a wonderful sense of grace and charm to you, dear Pisces. You'll radiate positivity and can positively influence those around you. It's an ideal day to indulge in self-care or enjoy a romantic outing.

April 4th sees the Sun aligning with the North Node of fate in your 2nd house of income, signalling significant changes on the horizon regarding your financial matters. Whether it's a career shift or exploring alternative sources of income, pay attention to the opportunities presenting themselves currently.

As Venus moves into your 2nd house on April 6th, it further supports your financial endeavours. Venus forms a supportive sextile with Pluto in your 12th house, suggesting a desire for transformative changes in how you earn money. You may feel drawn to professions that involve service or healing, such as nursing, psychology, or spiritual practices. Be open to exploring new avenues that align with your deeper values and aspirations.

Pisces, pay attention to the energy shifts happening around you this week. The universe is offering you clues about significant changes ahead, particularly in your financial realm. Stay attuned to these insights as you navigate through this transformative period.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope | March 25-31, 2024 | Astrology House

Pisces, in the week ahead, the spotlight is on your financial realm as the Sun illuminates your 2nd house of earnings. Mercury, the planet of communication, is entering its shadow phase before going retrograde next week, signaling a period for reassessing your income streams and cash flow. Be prepared for potential adjustments in this area in the upcoming weeks.

Meanwhile, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5°Libra occurs in your 8th house, which governs shared resources, intimate relationships, and financial matters involving others such as taxes and inheritances. It's a time to let go of certain aspects in this domain of your life, possibly shedding toxic thought patterns. This eclipse aligns harmoniously with Pluto in your 12th house, suggesting a transformative release from negative self-soothing habits.

On a brighter note, Venus, the planet of love and money, graces your 1st house of self, forming a favorable sextile with Jupiter in your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and short travels. This alignment may inspire you to makeover your appearance for a visit to see family or to feel confident as you present yourself in a work or educational setting. You can read more about this weeks Lunar Eclipse here 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope | March 18-24 2024 | Astrology House

Pisces, with the sun illuminating your 1st house of self and identity, anticipate a significant transformation in your physical appearance and self-perception. This week marks the onset of a profound catharsis, wherein subtle changes in your demeanor and presentation make a noticeable impact. Whether it's a fresh hairstyle or a new romantic connection, these shifts are asserting themselves boldly.

The alignment of Mercury with Chiron and the North Node suggests that discussions about finances or self-worth may come to the forefront. If confronted with reminders of past wounds related to your sense of self-value, recognize it as an opportunity for healing before the upcoming solar eclipse in April. Any financial matters surfacing now offer insights into areas requiring attention for your growth.

As Venus aligns with Saturn in your 1st house, there's a blend of positive energy and a call for stability. While you may feel and appear attractive, the influence of Saturn implies that these personal transformations seek permanence and solidity. This could manifest in lasting changes to your physical appearance, such as tattoos, or in profound romantic connections that alter your life for the better. If in a committed relationship, your focus on self-improvement might momentarily overshadow your partner, while single Pisceans may find unexpected romantic opportunities presenting themselves.

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Pisces Weekly Horoscope | March 11-17, 2024 | Astrology House

Dear Pisces,

The spotlight remains firmly on you this week as your 1st house continues to be occupied by a plethora of planets, stirring up a whirlwind of activity in your realm of self-image and individuality. With the Sun, steadfast Saturn, elusive Neptune, and the entrance of Venus into this celestial mix, it's understandable if you're feeling a bit swept up in the current, my watery friend.

Following the recent new moon in your sign, the Sun's presence in your 1st house keeps the focus on you, particularly for those born later in the Piscean cycle. This week encourages you to experiment with new aspects of yourself – perhaps a fresh haircut or a revised perception of your identity and how you present it to the world. As Venus glides into your sphere, prepare to exude charm and magnetism, especially in matters of romance. It appears the cosmos is bestowing upon you a generous dose of allure and attractiveness.

Later this week, the Sun aligns with Neptune in your 1st house, potentially clouding your sense of direction don’t let its get you down as this is just a passing energy and will pass, however this same aspect may prompt others to seek your counsel, drawn to your innate empathy, Pisces. Meanwhile, Mercury's move into your 2nd house of income urges caution in communication, particularly about messages from higher-ups. With Chiron and the North Node also stationed here, unhealed feelings of past financial challenges may resurface, but resist allowing them to dampen your spirits.

This week's lunar influence prompts a deep dive into your financial landscape – take stock of your expenses and income, empowering yourself with a clear understanding of your financial situation. This foresight will prove invaluable as Mercury prepares to retrograde in April. Stay vigilant and prepared, Pisces.


Pisces Weekly Horoscope | March 4-10 2024 | Astrology House 

Dear Pisces, the cosmic spotlight shines brightly on you this week as the New Moon takes place in your first house, heralding a powerful new beginning and opportunities for personal growth and self-expression. Embrace this fresh start with enthusiasm, dear Piscean, as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Whether it's a new job role, a fitness regimen, or a commitment to improving your health, trust in your ability to manifest positive change in your life. Remember to match your enthusiasm with dedication and hard work, as your charisma and charm can open doors, but it's your diligence that will lead to lasting success.

Meanwhile, Pluto, Mars, and Venus continue to dance through your dreamy twelfth house, where you may find yourself drawn to introspection, spiritual pursuits, and intimate encounters. Enjoy the pleasures of solitude and delve into the depths of your subconscious, but be mindful of potential tension arising from Mars squaring Uranus in your third house of Taurus. This aspect may bring unexpected challenges or conflicts with neighbors or siblings, so stay open to communication and be willing to offer support or lend an ear to those in need. Taking advice and addressing any issues promptly can prevent tensions from escalating, especially with the upcoming Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in April.

As the Moon travels through your eleventh house of friends and communities, embrace opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and expand your social circle. Enjoy the company of friends, participate in group activities, and immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of your local community. Building strong connections with others can bring joy, support, and a sense of belonging to your life.

As you navigate the week ahead, Pisces, trust in your intuition and inner guidance to lead you towards greater fulfillment and happiness. Embrace the opportunities for growth and connection that come your way, knowing that each experience is a stepping stone on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.

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