Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Aries |Taurus |Gemini |Cancer |Leo |Virgo |Libra |Scorpio |Sagittarius |Capricorn | Aquarius| Pisces 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | September 30 - October 6, 2024 | Astrology House

This week, the New Moon Libra Solar Eclipse illuminates your 11th house of friendships, community, and aspirations, urging you to reevaluate your social connections and long-term goals. As this powerful eclipse aligns with your vision for the future, you may find yourself drawn to new alliances that resonate with your values and ideals. However, the tense square to Mars in Cancer in your 8th house adds a layer of complexity to these interactions. Emotional intensity may surface as you navigate the dynamics of power, shared resources, or deeper bonds within your social circle. Be mindful of how past grievances or unresolved issues in relationships might impact your interactions and collaborative efforts.

As you embrace this transformative energy, focus on releasing any outdated connections that no longer serve your growth. The eclipse invites you to seek harmony and balance within your community, but Mars’ influence may ignite conflicts or challenges that demand your attention. Use this opportunity to assert your needs while also being receptive to the perspectives of others. By acknowledging both your desire for independence and the need for connection, you can harness this eclipse’s energy to foster healthier relationships and align your aspirations with your true self. Embrace the shifts that arise, as they could lead you to a more authentic and fulfilling social landscape.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | September 23rd - 29th, 2024

As the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, your focus shifts to your 11th house of friendships, networks, and future aspirations. This is a time when your social connections and long-term goals take centre stage. However, with Venus at 29° Libra squaring off with Pluto in your 2nd house of finances, there may be some tension between your social commitments and your personal resources. Be mindful of power dynamics within your friend circle or any financial obligations that could arise unexpectedly. When Venus enters your 12th house of Scorpio on the 23rd, you'll feel a pull toward more private, introspective matters, especially regarding love and your deepest emotional connections.

Later in the week, Mercury joins the Sun in your 11th house, highlighting communication and diplomacy within your social groups. The Sun’s conjunction with the South Node on the 29th could bring up old friendships or unresolved issues with your community, inviting you to release any outdated alliances that no longer align with your goals. By the end of the week, as the Sun meets Mercury at 8° Libra on the 30th, expect important conversations or clarity around your future plans and the role your network plays in helping you achieve them.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | September 16-22, 2024 | Astrology House

This week’s Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, casting its glow on your 4th House of Home and Family, brings a wave of emotional and spiritual transformation. This eclipse, enhanced by Neptune’s mystical influence, invites you to explore and release deeply-held feelings related to your personal life and home environment. You may find yourself reflecting on your roots, family dynamics, or even your living situation, and it’s a time for letting go of old patterns or emotional baggage that no longer serves you. Embrace this opportunity to connect with your inner self and make space for new beginnings in your personal life.

Simultaneously, this eclipse may prompt a release or shift in your 10th House of Career and Public Life, ruled by Virgo. You might find that letting go of certain professional ambitions or responsibilities opens the door for fresh perspectives and growth in your career. The practical energy of Virgo supports this process, urging you to align your career goals with your deeper personal values. Use this transformative time to reevaluate your ambitions, set new professional goals, and ensure that your career path reflects who you truly are. Embrace the change and allow it to guide you toward a more authentic and fulfilling journey.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | September 9-15, 2024 | Astrology House

This week, the Sun’s presence in Virgo lights up your 10th house of career and public life, urging you to focus on your professional goals and aspirations. You might find yourself more inclined to take practical steps towards advancing your career or re-evaluating your long-term ambitions. This is an excellent time to streamline your work processes, address any outstanding issues, and make sure your public image aligns with your true goals. Virgo's meticulous energy will support you in making significant progress on your career path.

Mars, currently in Cancer, is energizing your 8th house of shared resources and transformation. This placement may stir up intense emotions or financial matters that require your attention. You might be feeling a bit defensive or reactive, especially regarding shared resources or deep-seated issues. However, this transit offers a chance to address and resolve these matters constructively. On September 14-15, the harmonious trine between Jupiter in your 7th house and Venus in your 11th house brings a burst of luck and positive energy to your relationships and social connections. This alignment could enhance romantic prospects or bring opportunities through friends and networks, making it an ideal time to deepen bonds or pursue collaborative ventures.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | 2-8 September 2024

This week, you may find yourself reassessing your daily routines and work habits as you navigate unexpected changes in your professional environment. With Uranus in retrograde motion in your 6th house, there's a push to break free from monotonous routines and explore more innovative approaches to your health and work life. You might feel an urge to shake things up, perhaps by adopting a new wellness regimen or streamlining your daily tasks. However, expect some bumps along the way as you adjust to these changes.

On September 3rd, the New Moon in Virgo in your 10th house shines a spotlight on your career and public image. This is an ideal time to set new career goals or embark on a professional project that requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. But with Saturn and Neptune casting a shadow of uncertainty, progress may feel slow, and you might encounter obstacles that test your patience. Stay focused, and approach your ambitions with a methodical, step-by-step plan. Toward the end of the week, Venus’ alignment with Lilith in your 11th house may stir up intense dynamics within your social circles. This could be a time when hidden desires or unspoken tensions come to the surface, leading to deepened connections or, alternatively, some necessary boundary setting in your friendships.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | 26th August – 1st Sept 2024 | Astrology House

This week, the Sun’s presence in your 10th house of career and public life encourages you to focus on your professional goals and ambitions. With Venus also in your 10th house, you may experience a burst of creative inspiration or innovative ideas related to your career. However, as Venus opposes Neptune, be cautious of potential misunderstandings or unrealistic expectations in your home or family life.

Mercury’s direct station in your 9th house of higher education and philosophy prompts you to reassess your beliefs and long-term plans. This shift allows for clearer communication and renewed focus on your intellectual pursuits and travel aspirations. Balancing your career advancements with personal and family dynamics will be key to navigating the week successfully.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | August 19-25, 2024 | Astrology House

This week’s energies encourage you to focus on balancing your personal and professional life. The Full Moon in Aquarius highlights communication and local connections, urging you to express your ideas and engage in meaningful conversations. Expect new insights or revelations that could impact your daily routines or work environment. It’s a good time to assess how your interactions with others are influencing your overall well-being.

The alignment of the Sun and Mercury in Leo brings clarity and enthusiasm to your higher learning, travel, and philosophical pursuits. You may feel inspired to dive into new studies or expand your horizons. Meanwhile, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are forming a T-square, prompting you to navigate challenges related to career ambitions, partnerships, and home life. Strive for harmony between your career goals and personal relationships, and be mindful of how they affect your sense of security and long-term plans.

Sagittarius | 12-18 August 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Sagittarius, relationships take centre stage as Mars conjuncts Jupiter in your 7th House, sparking dynamic energy in your partnerships. However, with this conjunction squaring Saturn in your 4th House, you may face challenges at home that create tension in your close connections. Whether it's family responsibilities or domestic matters, you'll need to find a balance between your personal and relational worlds.

On the career front, Venus in your 10th House of career squares Jupiter in your 7th House, bringing both opportunities and challenges in your professional life. You might feel torn between public success and the demands of important partnerships. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde in your 9th House squares Uranus in your 6th House, potentially causing disruptions in your daily work routines or health matters. Keep an open mind and be prepared for sudden changes that could push you out of your comfort zone.

Sagittarius| Weekly Horoscope |  August 5-11th  2024  | Astrology House

Last week’s New Moon in Leo, falling in your 9th House, may have sparked a surge of inspiration and enthusiasm for exploring new horizons, whether through travel, higher education, or philosophical pursuits. This week, the focus shifts to the Mercury-Venus conjunction at 3° Virgo in your 10th House of career and public life. This alignment brings a harmonious blend of communication and creativity to your professional endeavours, making it an excellent time for networking, negotiating, or advancing your career goals.

With Mercury and Venus in your 10th House, you may find opportunities to enhance your reputation and express your ideas more effectively. This is a favourable period for refining your career strategies and making a positive impression on influential people. Embrace this chance to align your professional ambitions with your personal values, and you’ll likely see fruitful results.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope| July 29- August 4 2024 | Astrology House

This week, the Sun, Venus, and a New Moon in Leo light up your 9th House of travel, higher learning, and adventure, infusing your life with excitement and opportunities for personal growth. It's a perfect time to expand your horizons, whether through a new journey, a deepening of your philosophical beliefs, or pursuing a long-held dream. Embrace new experiences and let your curiosity lead you to new heights.

Meanwhile, as Mercury enters Virgo and begins its shadow phase in your 10th House of career and public reputation, it's wise to review any new deals or contracts carefully. With Mercury preparing for its retrograde on August 5th, any professional decisions made now may need to be revisited. Use this time to reflect and ensure that all your career plans are thoroughly considered, knowing you'll have a chance to revisit and refine them over the coming month.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | July 22-28, 2024 |Astrology House

Last week's powerful Mars-Uranus conjunction in your 6th house sparked transformative changes in your daily routines and health matters. This week, as the Sun, Venus, and Mercury enter your 9th house, you're drawn to expand your horizons through higher education, travel, or philosophical pursuits. Mars moves into your 7th house, energizing your partnerships and relationships, especially with Jupiter's influence here. The trine between Mars and Pluto enhances communication within your close connections, encouraging deep, transformative conversations.

On July 25, Mercury enters your 10th house, boosting your communication and intellectual prowess in career matters. This is an opportune time to share your ideas and pursue professional goals with clarity and precision. Chiron's retrograde in your 5th house on July 26 prompts introspection into matters of creativity, romance, and self-expression. Use this period to heal past emotional wounds and rediscover your joy in creative pursuits and personal growth. Embrace these shifts in energy from last week's conjunction as you navigate this week's planetary movements with purpose and insight.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope| July 15-21st 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Sagittarius, your focus turns towards matters related to your daily routines, work environment, and health. The conjunction of Mars with Uranus and Algol at 26° Taurus activates your 6th House, highlighting a period of unexpected changes and perhaps some upheaval in these areas. You may find yourself needing to adapt quickly to new circumstances at work or in your health regimen. Be prepared for surprises and sudden developments that require you to take decisive action.

The Full Moon at 29° Capricorn illuminates your 2nd and 8th House axis, emphasizing financial matters, resources shared with others, and deep transformations. This marks the second Full Moon in Capricorn this year, signalling a significant shift in how you handle your finances and investments, as well as any joint resources or debts. It's a potent time to release old financial habits or obligations that no longer serve your growth, paving the way for a fresh start in these areas over the next six months.

This week encourages you to stay flexible and open-minded, Sagittarius. Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and transformation, particularly in your daily routines and financial strategies. Trust that endings now are making space for new beginnings that align more closely with your long-term goals and aspirations.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | July 8-14 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Sagittarius, the Sun moves through the last decan of Cancer in your 8th house, highlighting themes of transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. You're likely to delve deeply into matters of trust and emotional bonds, seeking to understand hidden truths and strengthen your connections with others on a profound level.

Meanwhile, Venus enters Leo and your 9th house, where it opposes Pluto in your 3rd house on July 12. This planetary alignment may bring tension in communication or learning environments, as power dynamics and intense emotions come to the forefront. However, Venus's trine with Neptune in your 4th house later in the week enhances harmony in your home and family life, fostering creativity, compassion, and spiritual connections. As Mars edges closer to Uranus in your 6th house toward the week's end, anticipate a surge of energy and potential disruptions in your daily routines or health matters, leading up to a transformative conjunction on July 15.

Sagittarius| Weekly Horoscopes 1-7th July 2024 | Astrology House

In the first week of July, Sagittarius, significant planetary movements emphasize your domestic sphere, urging you to reassess and revisit matters related to home, family, and emotional security. With Saturn retrograding in your 4th House from late June through mid-November, you're encouraged to address long-standing family dynamics or property concerns with patience and discipline. Neptune's retrograde phase from early July to early December further deepens this introspection, prompting you to seek clarity in matters of home and roots. The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th, occurring in your 8th House along with Venus, invites you to explore shared resources and intimate connections, encouraging emotional depth and transformation in close relationships. Use this time to reflect on your emotional foundations and nurture bonds that bring you a sense of security and belonging.

Sagittarius | Weekly horoscope June 24-30th 2024 | Astrology House

As the Sun enters Cancer and transits your 8th house this week, Sagittarius, your focus may shift towards deep, transformative issues—perhaps matters of shared resources, personal transformation, or intimate relationships. The harmonious trine between Mercury in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces on June 26th brings a practical and grounding energy to these areas, making it a favorable time for serious conversations, financial planning, and addressing issues that require careful consideration. Meanwhile, Venus's sextile to Mars from June 27th to 30th sparks a harmonious interaction between your 8th house and 6th house themes. This aspect promotes a balanced blend of passion and practicality, potentially enhancing your ability to navigate work-related issues while nurturing deeper connections with others. Expect to find opportunities for growth, both personally and professionally, as you navigate these transformative energies.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | June 16-23rd , 2024 | Astrology House

This week begins with Mercury conjunct Venus at 29° Gemini in your 7th House, amplifying your charm and communication skills in partnerships and relationships. However, this conjunction squares Neptune at 29° Pisces in your 4th House, signalling potential misunderstandings or idealized perceptions at home or with family. Midweek, on June 22nd, a powerful Full Moon in Capricorn at 1° illuminates your 2nd House of finances and values. This lunar event prompts a culmination or realization regarding your financial situation or personal values. Be mindful, as this Full Moon also squares Neptune in your 4th House, suggesting a need for clarity amidst emotional sensitivity and potential family dynamics. Utilize this time to balance practicality with intuition, ensuring you're grounded in reality while pursuing your goals.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | June 9-15th , 2024 | Astrology House

This week for Sagittarius emphasizes the importance of finding balance in your relationships and daily responsibilities. While challenges may arise, especially in communication and interactions with family or colleagues, there are opportunities for growth and understanding. Stay open-minded, communicate clearly, and focus on building harmonious connections that support your personal and professional goals.

Sagittarius Horoscope | June 3- 9th 2024 | Astrology House

Sagittarius, this week holds a dynamic blend of energy in your 7th House of partnerships, relationships, and one-on-one interactions. With the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all in Gemini, this sector of your chart is illuminated with social grace, intellectual stimulation, and expansive opportunities. Mercury's conjunction with Jupiter in your 7th House amplifies communication and mental agility, enhancing your ability to connect with others on a profound level. This aspect, trine Pluto in your 3rd House, suggests that your exchanges may delve into deeper, transformative topics, sparking profound insights and potentially influential conversations.

However, the New Moon in Gemini, joined by Venus in your 7th House, introduces a moment of reflection and intention-setting regarding your relationships. This conjunction encourages you to consider what you truly value in your partnerships and how you can nurture them moving forward. Yet, this intention-setting process may face a challenge as the New Moon forms a square to Saturn in your 4th House of home and family. This aspect suggests that there may be some tension or obstacles to overcome in balancing your personal and relational needs. It's essential to approach any challenges with patience and a commitment to finding a harmonious resolution. This week, Sagittarius, focus on fostering meaningful connections while also attending to your inner sense of stability and security.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope | May 27-June 2 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Sagittarius, your relationships take centre stage as the cosmic trio of Sun, Venus, and Jupiter dances through Gemini, activating your 7th House of partnerships. Expect a flurry of social activity and dynamic interactions with others. Whether you're seeking romantic connections, business collaborations, or deepening friendships, the universe is aligning to bring significant opportunities your way. Embrace the spirit of curiosity and open-mindedness that Gemini energy encourages, as it can lead to exciting encounters and enriching connections. However, with Mars joined with Chiron in Aries in your 5th House of self-expression, you may find yourself confronting past wounds or insecurities related to asserting yourself authentically. Use this cosmic combination as an invitation to bravely confront any inner barriers to fully expressing your desires and passions. By acknowledging and addressing these vulnerabilities, you can pave the way for more fulfilling and authentic interactions in your relationships.

Meanwhile, Mercury's conjunction with Uranus in your 6th House of daily routines brings a spark of innovation and unpredictability to your work environment. Expect sudden insights and flashes of inspiration that could revolutionize your approach to productivity and efficiency. Embrace experimentation and flexibility in your methods, as unconventional solutions may hold the key to overcoming any challenges you encounter. Keep an open mind and be willing to adapt to unexpected changes in your professional sphere. This planetary alignment encourages you to break free from routine and embrace the thrill of the unknown. By staying adaptable and receptive to the cosmic currents, you can harness the transformative energy of this week to foster growth, both personally and professionally.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | May 13-19th 2024 | Astrology House

Sagittarius, you're really hitting your stride now! Your daily routines are falling into place like clockwork, and the energy buzzing around you is electrifying! Keep your eyes peeled, especially if you're on the lookout for love. Romance could unexpectedly blossom either at work or while you're pumping iron at the gym. This week, it's all about seizing opportunities for new connections and potential sparks. On the health front, things are looking up. Take advantage of this momentum to kickstart a new fitness regimen or perhaps consider welcoming a furry friend into your life. This week is perfect for getting active with your kids or blowing off some steam with a leisurely bike ride. If you've been contemplating a new physical hobby, now's the time to dive in—maybe it's finally time to join that bushwalking club you've had your eye on!

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | May 6 – 12th 2024 | Astrology House

For Sagittarius this week, the cosmic spotlight shines on your 5th and 6th houses, igniting a blend of creativity, self-expression, and practicality.

On May 7th, Chiron meets Mercury at 20° Aries in your 5th house, while Mars, also takes up residence in its home sign in the same house. This dynamic duo encourages you to speak your truth with passion and assertiveness, especially in matters related to self-expression, creativity, and romance. It's a time to confront any inner wounds that may be hindering your ability to fully express yourself and to take bold action towards pursuing your creative passions.

On May 8th, the Taurus New Moon at 18° Taurus lands in your 6th house of daily routines and wellness, accompanied by Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter. This potent lineup triggers a fresh start in your health and work routines, urging you to find balance and harmony in your day-to-day life. It's an excellent time to implement new habits that support your well-being and to embrace a more grounded approach to your daily tasks.

Furthermore, this New Moon forms a harmonious sextile aspect to Saturn at 17° Pisces in your 4th house, indicating that your home and family life may provide a stable foundation for your personal growth and professional endeavours. You may find that establishing a sense of security and stability in your domestic environment enhances your overall sense of well-being and productivity.

Overall, this week presents opportunities for you to tap into your creative potential, prioritize your health and well-being, and establish a solid foundation for future growth and success. Embrace the changes and challenges with optimism and confidence, knowing that you have the resilience and resourcefulness to overcome any obstacles that may arise.

Sagittarius | Weekly Horoscope | April 29th – May 5th | Astrology House

Dear Sagittarius, this week is brimming with positive energy, especially in your daily routines. You'll find yourself energized and excelling in your tasks. Whether you've embarked on a new job where you truly shine or embraced a fitness regimen that leaves you glowing, this week feels invigorating. It might even be the perfect time to welcome a new pet into your life. However, as Venus forms a square with Pluto in your 3rd house of Communication, Cars, and Siblings, there could be some roadblocks ahead, quite literally. Stay alert to potential challenges in these areas. Meanwhile, Mars enters your 5th house of Lovers, Children, and Hobbies, stirring up passions. Be prepared for some excitement in your romantic life, but also be mindful that dealing with children might require extra patience. Additionally, frustrations in hobbies could arise as Mercury is just beginning to move forward, and Chiron and the North Node remind you that there's still work to be done in these aspects of your life in the months ahead.

Sagittarius Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Sagittarius, the week initiates a new cycle with the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in your 6th house of health, routines, pets, and daily chores. You may experience upheaval and expansion in your daily routines, indicating a shift from being a creature of habit to embracing exciting, unexpected changes over the next 14 years. As a lover of adventure and excitement, Sagittarius, you'll find daily variety and thrills during this period! Additionally, with Mars sextile the conjunction, attention may be needed at home. Ensure your insurances are up-to-date and your home is safe and secure. The full moon in Scorpio this week occurs in your 12th house of solitude, meditation, and escape. This could signify the conclusion of a reflective period for you, Sagittarius, as you prepare to re-engage with the world. Have you recently encountered a past relationship? It might be due to Mercury retrograde in the 5th house. As Venus conjuncts Chiron, offering healing for you, Sagittarius, exercise caution before making any firm decisions. Wait until Mercury resumes its forward motion before finalizing anything.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope | April 15-21st 2024 | Astrology House

Dear Sagittarius, it's time to kickstart your wellness journey! Whether it's shedding those extra Easter egg indulgences or breaking free from a rut, the dynamic Jupiter-Uranus conjunction this week is here to catapult you forward. Expect newfound energy and enthusiasm to tackle your fitness goals and daily routines. Keep an eye out for innovative approaches that could revolutionize your work habits and invigorate your spirit. The recent New Moon Solar Eclipse in your fifth house of hobbies, children, and romance has set the stage for exciting changes. Perhaps you've embarked on a new romance that's reshaping your daily life, or you've discovered a passion project that promises to enrich your existence. Additionally, this fertile cosmic energy hints at potential new beginnings, whether it's welcoming a child into your life or nurturing existing relationships with loved ones.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope | April 8-14th 2024 | Astrology House

Sagittarius, this week brings a whirlwind of activity in your 5th house, which governs Children, Lovers, and Hobbies. Get ready for potentially exciting developments, particularly in the realm of relationships. With the New Moon Solar eclipse joined by healing Chiron, a new romantic connection may blossom, or existing relationships could undergo profound transformations. Keep a keen eye on the young ones in your life, as they may be navigating significant changes.

However, with Mercury retrograde, it's crucial to scrutinize the details, especially in new opportunities that arise. This period may also shed light on hidden matters, so stay vigilant.

This eclipse's influence can extend to matters of family expansion, whether through the arrival of a new child or the conception of one. Such events may bring healing and renewal to the family dynamic, impacting siblings as well.

Be mindful of tensions brewing in your 4th house of home and family, particularly with the Mars-Saturn conjunction following closely on the heels of the New Moon Solar Eclipse. Emotions may run high, and conflicts could arise. Exercise patience and restraint, as pushing family members during this time could have long-lasting repercussions. Remember, this challenging aspect is temporary, and with Sagittarius' trademark optimism, you can navigate through it with grace.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope | April 1-7 | Astrology House

Sagittarius, as the week kicks off, Mercury, the planet of communication, pauses and shifts into retrograde motion in your sector of children, hobbies, creativity, and romance. This period prompts you to reassess your connections and responsibilities in these areas. You may find yourself adjusting regarding your involvement with children, evaluating new relationships, or reconsidering creative projects you've embarked upon. This re-evaluation may lead to a recalibration of the time you allocate to these matters.

On April 3rd, Venus, the planet of love and blessings, aligns with Neptune in your 4th house of home and family ties. It's an ideal day for home-related activities, such as decorating or spending quality time with family members or folks from your hometown. Consider it a perfect opportunity for a cozy date at home.

April 4th sees the Sun joining forces with the North Node of Fate in your 5th house, urging you to focus on your children, creative endeavours, and romantic relationships. Even if having children isn't on your agenda, this period signals high fertility in various aspects of your life. The universe emphasizes these areas for your attention in the coming months, prompting you to address any changes needed in your children's lives, explore new creative ventures, and be open to new romantic connections.

As Venus enters your sector of children, creativity, and romance on April 6th, it forms a supportive aspect with Pluto, the planet of transformation, in your area associated with siblings, cousins, short-distance travel, and writing projects. This alignment blesses these areas of your life and may inspire you to embark on writing projects or explore creative pursuits further. Additionally, your siblings may play a role in introducing you to a potential romantic interest during this time.

Overall, this week encourages Sagittarius to reflect on their relationships, creative endeavours, and familial ties, with opportunities for personal growth and transformation.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope | March 25-31, 2024 | Astrology House

This week for Sagittarius, the spotlight falls on your 5th house, which governs children, hobbies, and romance. With the sun shining here, you're likely to find joy in spending time with your kids or indulging in activities that bring you pleasure. However, with Mercury in the same domain and moving into retrograde shadow, communication with children might require some adjustment in the weeks ahead. This period also calls for reassessing new romantic connections and addressing any issues that arise over the next month.

The eagerly anticipated Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in your 11th house, highlighting friendships, networks, and community involvement. You may find yourself letting go of friendships or community ties that no longer align with your growth trajectory. Pluto's supportive trine from your 3rd house suggests that this transformation could extend to your communication style, writing endeavours, or interactions with siblings.

Meanwhile, Venus graces your 4th house of home and roots, forming a harmonious sextile with Jupiter in your 6th house of daily routines and health. This alignment enhances the harmony between your home life and wellness practices, contributing to your overall well-being throughout the week. You can read more about this weeks Lunar Eclipse here 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope | March 18-24 2024 | Astrology House

Sagittarius, during this week, the sun shines upon your 4th house, illuminating matters related to your home and family. With several planets gathering in this sector, significant changes may manifest, ranging from simple enhancements like redecorating to more substantial shifts such as relocation, renovations, or even a new property purchase. If it's not directly your dwelling, it could involve changes within the family home, perhaps due to a significant life event affecting a family member, wherein you might play a supportive role in their adjustment.

Mercury, the planet of communication, aligns with Chiron and the North Node in your 5th house, which governs children, creative endeavours, and romance. Expect to receive news concerning a child or communication from a romantic partner that might evoke emotions tied to past experiences.

Towards the week's end, Venus, the planet of love, aligns with Saturn in your 4th house, emphasizing a desire for stability and permanence within your living situation. Whether settling into new accommodations or assisting a family member in establishing a long-term living arrangement, your focus leans heavily towards home matters. This may affect relationships, causing some to struggle to find quality time amidst domestic priorities. For those seeking love, opportunities may arise within your local community or hometown, emphasizing connections tied to your living environment.

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Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope | March 11-17, 2024 | Astrology House

Dear Sagittarius, the focus for you this month revolves around your home life. There might be significant changes in your living situation, such as a relocation or a desire for renovation. Even if moving isn't on the agenda, sprucing up your living space could be refreshing. The recent new moon in your home and family sector marks a promising fresh start, with cosmic support to establish long-term security.

As Venus enters your fourth house this week, you'll find added support for nurturing relationships within your home. Spending quality time with loved ones, engaging in cleaning and organizing, and infusing your space with warmth and comfort will make your house truly feel like home. Seeking harmony within your domestic environment is highlighted, whether through aesthetic enhancements or tending to your garden.

The alignment of the Sun with Neptune in your fourth house suggests that sacrifices related to your home may be necessary. Perhaps you're facing challenges like undesirable neighbors in your dream neighborhood or residing in an old house in your favorite town. This week prompts you to confront these sacrifices, recognizing that they are transient and not permanent fixtures in your life.

The lunar influences urge you to prioritize leisure time with children, embracing creativity and fun activities. However, as the week progresses, attending to daily routines becomes imperative. Completing tasks by week's end allows you to indulge in self-care activities like yoga and maintaining a balanced diet. After undergoing significant changes in your living environment, it's essential to prioritize your well-being and reconnect with nature.

Mercury's entry into your fifth house in Aries encourages meaningful conversations with your children or engaging in recreational activities together. With the North Node and Chiron still in alignment in your fifth house, there's a call to explore ways to guide and support younger individuals in your life, whether personally or professionally. Reflect on how you can aid their journey towards fulfillment and growth.


Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope | March 4-10 2024 | Astrology House 

Dear Sagittarius, as the week unfolds, the cosmos invites you to focus on matters of home, family, communication, and the routines of daily life, presenting both opportunities for stability and challenges to navigate.

With the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, and Neptune converging in your fourth house of home and family, you may find yourself drawn to the comforts of home and contemplating long-term plans regarding your living situation. Whether you're seeking to establish a sense of stability, considering a move, or exploring options related to real estate, this alignment encourages you to lay down roots and create a solid foundation for the future. However, be mindful of Neptune's influence, which can cloud your judgment and lead to misunderstandings or hidden information. Take the time to verify facts and communicate clearly to avoid confusion or misinterpretation.

Venus in the third house of siblings and communication lends support to your interactions with family members and loved ones, fostering harmony and understanding in your relationships. However, Mars in the third house squaring Uranus in the sixth house of work may bring tension or unexpected challenges in your workplace communication. Stay calm and composed, and strive to find constructive solutions to any conflicts that arise.

Looking ahead, the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter in your sixth house of daily routines signals a period of significant changes and breakthroughs in your day-to-day life, including your health and fitness routines. Be mindful of the potential for tension or conflicts to arise, particularly if hot words are exchanged. Remember that your words have power, and what you say now may have repercussions in the future, especially with the upcoming conjunctions in April.

As you navigate the week ahead, Sagittarius, embrace the opportunities for stability and growth while remaining vigilant in your communication and interactions. Trust in your ability to navigate challenges with grace and wisdom, knowing that each obstacle you overcome brings you closer to your goals.

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