Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Aries |Taurus |Gemini |Cancer |Leo |Virgo |Libra |Scorpio |Sagittarius |Capricorn | Aquarius| Pisces 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini | Weekly horoscope June 24-30th 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Gemini, the cosmos invites you to focus on your finances and personal resources as the Sun moves into Cancer, illuminating your 2nd house of income and values. With Mercury also in Cancer, forming a harmonious trine to Saturn in your 10th house of career on June 26th, your thoughts turn towards long-term financial planning and professional responsibilities. This aspect supports clear communication and practical decision-making, making it an ideal time to negotiate contracts or discuss financial strategies. As Venus in Cancer forms a sweet sextile with Mars in your 12th house of spirituality and hidden strengths from June 27th to 30th, you may find that nurturing your inner self and exploring quiet, introspective activities brings a sense of peace and fulfillment. This week encourages you to balance practicality with self-care, setting the stage for a harmonious blend of material stability and personal growth.

Gemini | Weekly Horoscope | June 16-23rd , 2024 | Astrology House

This week kicks off with dynamic energy as Mercury conjuncts Venus at 29° Gemini in your 1st House, emphasizing communication and charm in your personal interactions. However, this conjunction squares Neptune at 29° Pisces in your 10th House, indicating potential challenges in clarity regarding career matters or public perception. Midweek, the Full Moon in Capricorn at 1° lights up your 8th House, highlighting transformations in shared resources, intimacy, and psychological insights. This Full Moon also squares Neptune in your 10th House, suggesting the need to balance practical career goals with intuitive insights and avoid potential misunderstandings in professional relationships. Use this time to harness your communicative skills and delve into deeper emotional truths, navigating between practicality and spiritual growth.

Gemini | Weekly Horoscope | June 9-15th , 2024 | Astrology House

Gemini, this week starts with some tension between personal and professional realms, but as the days progress, the energy shifts towards improved self-expression and harmonious communication. Stay patient and focused early in the week, and by the weekend, enjoy the enhanced social and personal connections that come your way.

Gemini Horoscope | June 3- 9th 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Gemini, the spotlight is on you as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all gather in your sign, lighting up your 1st House of self and identity. This powerful alignment enhances your natural charisma, making you the center of attention in social and professional circles. You'll find your communication skills particularly sharp, allowing you to articulate your thoughts and ideas with ease.

On June 4, Mercury conjunct Jupiter in your 1st House forms a trine with transformative Pluto in your 9th House of higher learning, travel, and philosophy. This aspect invites you to revisit and integrate past ideas into your current worldview, providing profound insights that can significantly influence your understanding of deeper life concepts. The new moon on June 6 in Gemini, conjunct Venus in your 1st House, squares Saturn in your 10th House of career and public image. This configuration urges you to set serious intentions about what you value and how you present yourself to the world. Despite the tension, the supportive trine between Jupiter and Pluto ensures that you have the backing to plant meaningful seeds for personal and professional growth.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope | May 27-June 2 2024 | Astrology House

This week, Gemini, you are radiating confidence and charm with the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all aligned in your 1st House. This powerful planetary conjunction boosts your personal magnetism and brings opportunities for growth, happiness, and expansion. You'll find yourself the centre of attention in social and professional settings, with your ideas and creativity being particularly well-received. Venus enhances your allure and attractiveness, making it a favourable time for love and romance. Jupiter’s influence encourages you to take bold steps towards your dreams, as fortune is on your side. Embrace the spotlight and trust in your abilities to navigate through the week's events with grace and enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, Mars conjunct Chiron in your 11th House highlights the importance of friendships and community involvement. This aspect may bring about a healing process in your social circles, urging you to address past wounds or unresolved conflicts with friends. It's an excellent time for group activities that promote unity and support. On the introspective side, Mercury conjunct Uranus in your 12th House stimulates your subconscious mind, sparking unexpected insights and revelations. Pay attention to your dreams and intuitive flashes, as they hold valuable messages. This period encourages you to explore your inner world, releasing any mental blockages and embracing new perspectives that can lead to personal breakthroughs.

Gemini | Weekly Horoscope | May 13-19th 2024 | Astrology House

Gemini, with a cluster of celestial beauties gracing your 12th house, you're likely feeling rejuvenated, like a whole new you. These planets are encouraging you to let go of old pains and fears, paving the way for fresh beginnings before Jupiter and Venus bring their blessings to your sign in the coming year. Whether it's positive or negative emotions you've been clinging onto, now's the time to bid them farewell and embrace a new chapter in your life, Gemini. While you might encounter some pushback from friends or within your social circles, the multiple encounters between Mercury and Chiron in the past month have been helping you untangle whatever has been holding you back. It's now Mars' turn to take action in these areas of friendships, groups, and community.

Gemini | Weekly Horoscope | May 6 – 12th 2024 | Astrology House

This week for Gemini, there's a lot going on in your cosmic neighbourhood. On May 7th, Chiron gets cozy with Mercury at 20° Aries in your 11th House, while Mars sets up camp in its home turf in your 11th House as well. This dynamic duo amps up your social scene and sparks some deep conversations among friends. Expect lively exchanges and the potential for healing old wounds within your social circles.

Then, on May 8th, the Taurus New Moon rolls into your 12th House, joined by Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter. This lunar event shines a spotlight on your inner world, urging you to dive deep into self-discovery and explore the hidden parts of your psyche. It's a potent time for introspection and setting intentions for personal growth.

This New Moon also triggers the recent powerhouse alignment of Uranus and Jupiter, promising a fresh start in your subconscious realm. Pay attention to any intuitive insights or dreams that come your way—they could hold valuable clues to your inner journey.

Additionally, the New Moon at 18° Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn at 17° Pisces in your 10th House. This aspect brings a practical and grounded energy to your career and public image. You have the opportunity to lay solid foundations for your professional goals and make steady progress towards your ambitions. Embrace discipline and structure in your work endeavours, and you'll see tangible results over time.

Overall, this week offers a blend of social connections, inner exploration, and career focus for Gemini. Embrace the opportunities for growth and transformation that come your way, both in your external relationships and your internal landscape.

Gemini | Weekly Horoscope | April 29th – May 5th | Astrology House

Gemini, what are you planning behind the scenes? With Venus, The Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus in your 12th house of hidden things, you may be experiencing flashes of insight, revelations, perhaps working on your state of mind that you may have found overwhelming at times. There are some real blessings for you; this can be the time when you finally let go of some self-sabotaging traits that you have long held on to. With Pluto making a tense square to Venus, you may be feeling that you are changing your perspective on your life philosophies and perhaps realizing that you have made significant growth. This may still be a time that you want to stay quiet, Gemini, but it won't be long until Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, brings you out into the world anew, a healed version of yourself.

Gemini Horoscope | April 22- 28th 2024 | Astrology House

Gemini, this very auspicious conjunction is happening in your 12th house of spirituality, dreams, and solitude. You could be feeling a little more philosophical. You may have some strange dreams while this conjunction is in play. Keep your dream journal close by, as the cosmos is giving clues on what to expect! This is a long cycle that is now opening up to you. This can also include working closely with institutions such as hospitals, schools, and prisons. It can be a time that you take up meditation and work on your inner mind, perhaps even working with a psychologist over a period of time, which can be greatly beneficial for the next 14 years, finally putting the past behind you. The Full Moon is In your 6th house of everyday routines, jobs, pets, and health regimes, the Full Moon signals a potential conclusion to a daily activity, Gemini. Perhaps you're relinquishing a role you dislike in pursuit of something more fulfilling. Venus, the planet of love, is meeting up with Chiron, the wounded healer, this week, giving you a golden opportunity to seek companionship with your friends and in the community. You may find something very lovely!

Gemini Weekly Horoscope | April 15-21st 2024 | Astrology House

Gemini, this week may find you pondering life's deeper questions, leading to a spiritually uplifting journey. With a significant conjunction occurring in your 12th house of solitude, spiritualism, and institutions, you're poised to shed burdens that have weighed heavily on your subconscious. It's a time for liberation, as you embrace a fresh perspective and release old limitations. Perhaps influenced by the recent Solar Eclipse in your networks and friendships sector, new connections and supportive groups may offer the catalyst for your personal growth. Embrace this opportunity to rediscover joy and mental freedom, Gemini, as you step into a lighter, more authentic version of yourself.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope | April 8-14th 2024 | Astrology House

Gemini, as we kick off the week, your ruling planet Mercury is taking a retrograde journey, prompting you to reassess your connections within your community, friendships, and networks. With the potent Solar Eclipse in the same celestial sector, the universe is amplifying this message. This Solar Eclipse, aligned with Chiron, the wounded healer, urges you to acknowledge the changes needed in this area of your life. Perhaps you'll find solace and healing within a new network or stumble upon a kindred spirit who brings profound healing into your life, helping you mend old wounds.

However, buckle up, because the following day brings some tension in your 10th house of career and public standing. It's crucial to tread carefully here. Tensions might flare up, demanding a tough conversation with a leader or boss. Approach these matters with grace, compassion, and diplomacy. Alternatively, consider postponing such discussions until the end of the month when the cosmic landscape shifts, offering a more conducive environment for resolution.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope | April 1-7 | Astrology House

Gemini, as the week commences, you'll find Mercury stationed and retrograding in your 11th house, which governs networks, friendships, and long-term aspirations. This period prompts a reassessment of your social connections and the goals you've set. You might find yourself pondering whether your friendships are truly enduring or if your objectives still align with your desires.

On April 3rd, a delightful conjunction between Venus and Neptune graces your career sector, bestowing upon you a stroke of luck or an uncanny ability to harmonize with colleagues. This could herald an unexpected opportunity in your professional realm, Gemini.

As the Sun aligns with the North Node of Fate on April 4th, the cosmic emphasis shifts to your aspirations, community affiliations, and close friendships. It's a time for introspection on where you're headed and how your social circles contribute to your personal growth.

Come April 6th, Venus forms a sextile with Pluto, linking your social sphere with your educational pursuits and travel prospects. You might find blessings within your university or community groups, or even embark on a thrilling group adventure. Keep an eye out for enriching experiences in both your academic and social endeavours, Gemini.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope | March 25-31, 2024 | Astrology House

Gemini, this week sees the Sun illuminating your 11th house, highlighting themes of friendship, community engagement, and networking. Expect social opportunities to arise, whether it's mingling in your neighbourhood or joining new groups. However, with Mercury entering its shadow period ahead of next month's retrograde, be prepared for potential adjustments and revisions within these networks over the coming weeks. Flexibility is key, as nothing is set in stone.

The Lunar Eclipse on March 25th occurs in your 5th house, which governs fun, romance, and children. This eclipse may signify shifts in these areas; perhaps a child is embarking on a new path, a romantic chapter is ending, or you're outgrowing a hobby. Fortunately, the trine to Pluto suggests that any changes ushered in by the eclipse will ultimately pave the way for positive transformations, clearing space for something better.

Meanwhile, Venus graces your 10th house of Career and public image, forming a harmonious sextile with Jupiter in your 12th house of Spirituality and introspection. This alignment prompts deep contemplation regarding your career trajectory. While Venus blesses your professional endeavours, you might still feel a sense of dissatisfaction. Trust that clarity regarding your career path will emerge in the weeks ahead, Gemini. You can read more about this weeks Lunar Eclipse here 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope | March 18-24, 2024 | Astrology House

As the week begins, Gemini, the Sun sheds light on your 10th house, emphasizing your career and position in the world. Aligned with Neptune, the planet of dissolution and psychic sensitivity, you may sense shifts occurring in your professional life. While change is on the horizon, try not to dwell too much on the uncertainty. Instead, embrace creativity to navigate through any blurred or foggy experiences in your career path. Taking a step back and allowing yourself a break from overthinking can bring clarity.

Mercury, governing communication, and travel, aligns with the North Node and Chiron in your 11th house of friendships and community. You might find yourself reflecting on your social circles and feeling a sense of dissatisfaction. News or hints of upcoming changes, possibly related to the April Solar Eclipse in Aries, could come from friends or your local community. Stay open to shifts in your personal connections and surroundings.

In your 10th house of career, Venus joins forces with Saturn, possibly indicating authority figures or structures hindering your progress. However, these challenges are part of a larger journey toward career growth and advancement. Opportunities for remote work or permanent shifts in your professional trajectory may arise. For those seeking love, connections could form in professional settings or through potential clients. Existing relationships may face strains due to work commitments, but maintaining balance is key.

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Gemini Weekly Horoscope | March 11-17, 2024 | Astrology House

Gemini, as the Sun continues its journey through your career sector, it illuminates the strides you're making in this area of your life. This segment of your chart is buzzing with activity, indicating significant changes, opportunities for advancement, and personal growth. Whether it's a professional shift or an elevation in your status, the cosmic energies are aligning in your favour, especially with the recent new moon providing added momentum. Seize the moment, Gemini, and pursue those career upgrades with confidence!

Given the intensity in your career sector, it's crucial to prioritize rest whenever possible. Gemini, known for your bustling energy, consider investing in some extra sleep this week. While you're typically busy, ensuring you get ample rest can recharge your batteries and enhance your productivity.

Venus transitioning into your career sector signals promising opportunities on the horizon. Additionally, Mercury's move into Aries, focusing on your networks, friends, and communities, suggests that leveraging your connections could be the key to unlocking those career advancements. Remember, it's not just about what you know but also who you know.

Meanwhile, the North Node and Chiron continue their intricate dance in your 11th house of friends and community groups. This week, Gemini, be open and communicative, as a friend may require your support. Be attentive to their needs and offer your assistance where possible.

However, with the Sun and Neptune merging in your 10th house of career, there's a caution against misguiding others with your career intentions. Gemini, you might find clarity elusive this week regarding your professional aspirations. Take extra care to communicate your goals transparently to avoid any misunderstandings or misdirection’s.


Gemini Weekly Horoscope | March 4-10 2024 | Astrology House 

Gemini, this week, the celestial stage is set with a dynamic array of planetary influences, offering a unique blend of energies that propel you towards growth, transformation, and spiritual awakening.

With the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, and Neptune converging in the 10th house of Pisces, your attention is drawn to matters of career, public reputation, and spiritual fulfillment. This alignment infuses your professional endeavors with a sense of purpose and compassion, urging you to align your ambitions with your higher ideals. Embrace the opportunity to infuse your work with creativity, intuition, and empathy, allowing your innate gifts to shine brightly in the public sphere.

Meanwhile, Mars and Venus dance harmoniously in the 9th house of Aquarius, igniting your thirst for knowledge, adventure, and philosophical exploration. You're drawn to expand your horizons through travel, education, or engaging in meaningful discussions that broaden your perspective. Embrace the spirit of discovery and allow your curiosity to lead you towards exciting new experiences that enrich your understanding of the world and your place within it.

The New Moon in Pisces graces your 10th house, heralding a powerful new beginning in your career or public life. This lunation invites you to set intentions that align with your deepest aspirations and spiritual calling. Take this opportunity to plant seeds of intention for professional success, creative fulfillment, and alignment with your soul's purpose. Trust in the unseen forces guiding you and remain open to serendipitous opportunities that arise in unexpected ways.

Furthermore, the conjunction of the North Node and Chiron in the 11th house emphasizes the importance of community, friendship, and collective healing in your journey towards self-realization. Embrace the support and camaraderie of like-minded individuals who share your vision and values, and allow their presence to inspire and uplift you along your path.

As you navigate this week's cosmic currents, Gemini, remember to stay true to your authentic self and honor the wisdom of your intuition. Embrace the opportunities for growth and transformation that come your way, knowing that you are supported by the guiding light of the universe on your journey towards fulfillment and self-discovery.

If you would like to know how the current Astrology Transits are will Affect you personally you can purchase Astrology Reports Natal Chart | 12 Month Forecast