Weekly Horoscope September 23rd - 29th, 2024 - Astrology House

Weekly Horoscope September 23rd - 29th, 2024

This week, we find ourselves in the “in-between” period of the eclipses. If the recent eclipses have been impacting your personal planets, you're likely already sensing the theme of change unfolding in your life. The effects of eclipses can be immediate for some, while for others, they may unfold slowly over the next six months or more. For me, the eclipse was opposite my Sun and hit my Midheaven (MC) and IC axis, and just three days before, I received the call informing me that I have to move from my home of nine years because it's being sold! Needless to say, I’ve been in a flurry of packing, which explains the slight delay in getting this week’s horoscopes to you.

Keep in mind, the shifts that eclipses bring might not materialize overnight. In some cases, like mine, the action is triggered immediately, while for others, the eclipse simply plants the seeds of change that will blossom later.

Now, let’s dive into the week ahead:

September 23rd: Sun Enters Libra – Welcome to Libra Season!

Libra season marks the time to focus on balance, harmony, and justice. It’s a period where we seek equilibrium in relationships, and fairness becomes a theme in our interactions. This is a wonderful time to assess how well we’re maintaining balance in various areas of life—whether it’s personal, professional, or within our inner selves.

Venus Square Pluto (29° Capricorn) – Emotional Tension & Transformation

On the same day, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, squares off with Pluto, the planet of deep transformation and power, at 29° Capricorn. This aspect can stir up tension, especially in relationships or finances. Hidden emotions, perhaps lingering beneath the surface, may come to light, prompting deep reflection. Luckily, this aspect is short-lived, lasting just a day or so, but it encourages us to confront our fears and desires head-on.

September 23rd: Venus Enters Scorpio – A Deep Dive into the Heart

Venus transitions into Scorpio, bringing an intense, transformative energy to matters of love, desire, and money. Scorpio adds depth to our emotional experiences, pushing us to explore the hidden and sometimes uncomfortable aspects of relationships. With Venus in Scorpio, we may feel drawn to dive deeper into emotional connections, seeking authenticity and vulnerability. Just remember, this intensity is about transformation—revealing what’s true beneath the surface.

September 26th: Mercury Enters Libra – Diplomacy in Communication

As Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Libra on the 26th, it infuses our conversations and thoughts with a sense of fairness and balance. This is a great time for diplomatic discussions, as Mercury in Libra helps us express ourselves with grace and tact. If you’ve been holding off on having an important conversation, now is the time to approach it with a clear mind and a fair perspective.

September 29th: Sun Conjunct South Node – Revisiting the Past

The Sun conjoins the South Node in Libra, signaling that something from the past may resurface. Whether it’s an old issue in relationships or unresolved matters related to fairness and justice, this aspect highlights areas where we may need to let go or release what no longer serves us. The South Node represents our karmic past, and with the Sun shining on it, there’s a focus on closure and learning from these experiences.

September 30th: Sun Conjunct Mercury – Illuminating Communication

Later in the week, on September 30th, the Sun meets Mercury at 8° Libra, bringing clarity to communications. This is a day where news or important information may come to light, perhaps linked to themes that have been brewing over the past week, especially regarding relationships, legal matters, or agreements. Expect a shift or breakthrough in understanding as Mercury, the messenger, aligns with the Sun’s illuminating energy.

On the World Stage:

With Venus moving into Scorpio, expect the financial world to feel the intensity. Markets may experience some instability as Venus squares Pluto, bringing underlying economic tensions to the surface. We might also see heightened discussions around power dynamics in relationships, both personal and global.

As the Sun conjoins the South Node, treaties or alliances from the past could be revisited. This week, we might hear about changes in global partnerships or diplomatic shifts, and when the Sun joins Mercury on the 30th, expect major announcements or news about these changes.

let's see how the transits are affecting your sign! 

         Capricorn Weekly Horoscope  
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